Borg Are Stupid

Throw Rocks At Them
Truly, Star Trek’s Borg are stupid, very stupid. They could “make” Borgs that looked like Seven of Nine but, instead, kept with the hideous cyberzombie esthetic. Really? “Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated!” 😆 Given that it stated that individual Borg are infectious via close contact, it would have been smarter and better to infiltrate Risa and other, similar planets with ones like Seven of Nine – and similar, male counterparts. “Resistance is unanticipated. They were assimilated with a smile.”
And, as an added bit of snark, the whole “throw rocks at them” is an admission that the Feddies were equally stupid. The one form of attack that Borg shields, both personal and ship, couldn’t almost instantly adapt to was simple kinetic energy. Literally, throwing rocks at them at relativistic speeds would have utterly wiped out the Borg Cubes. Yet, not once did the Federation deploy mass drivers, railguns, or any similar weaponry.
Tags: AI Art | Babes | Beauty | Borg | Humor | Jeri Ryan | Society | Star Trek