The World’s Loudest Splud

Watching the recent Presidential debate was painful. On one hand, it’s always affirming to be right. On another hand, it’s great to watch one’s enemies fail horribly and know that it’ll be hard for them to recovery. On yet another hand though, that debate was 90 minutes of watching an infirm old man be forced to humiliate and degrade himself for all the fucking world to watch. And then, afterwards, getting to watch his fucking wife praise him as if he was a toddler or a puppy – again, for all the world to watch.
Yeah, I hooted and hollered. And yeah, I mocked Biden for him stumbling and his slack-jawed, blank-faced look on the split screen. I did all that. But, by the end of it. I wasn’t laughing; I wasn’t happy. I was damn near both to crying and screaming in rage because that was wrong. Enemy or not, I can’t abide them parading Biden out a utterly debasing and humiliating him like that.
Tags: 2024 Elections | America | Article 25 | Biden | Debates | Dementia | Mental Illness | Politics | Schadenfreude | Senility