Warm Milk (NSFW)

In the Western World, especially America, it is an old adage that a bit of warm milk in the evening will help one get to sleep. Somehow I don’t think the images below depict exactly what most people meant by “warm milk.”

Admittedly though, these images more closely resemble “Hot Milk” than mere “warm milk.” 😉

While not being especially useful help for getting to sleep, the digitally manipulated photo set above by Andrey Razoomovsky is beautiful, erotic and highly creative. It is also one of the most stunning examples of digital imagery I ever seen. The combination of photos of beautiful women with computer generated graphics in these photos is so well-blended that it’s incredible.

Is it just me, or are you wishing you had some cookies right now? Either Nabisco or the California Milk Processor Board – of “Got Milk?” fame – needs to hire this guy.

Andrey Razoomovsky received a bronze medal and worldwide recognition in “Colour slides & Digital images” category on 16th Trierenberg Super Circuit photo exhibition in Austria during 2007. Trierenberg Super Circuit annually defines photo perfection standards. His work is varied but consistently amazing in both form and content.

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3 Responses to “Warm Milk (NSFW)”

  1. Citizen Ojo Says:

    I would have never thought of milk until you told me

  2. Zoran Says:

    Hi, I have already seen it somethere…
    Have a nice day

  3. Hot Chocolate (NSFW) | Reflections From a Murky Pond Says:

    […] And, if hot chocolate doesn’t work for you or if it just isn’t quite enough, you could always try some Warm Milk. […]

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