The Fall Of Man

Most people think that they know what happened in the Garden of Eden and why the Fall of Man happened. Consider though that most people have only heard the tale from the Christians’ bible and then only in modern, translated form. What really caused the Fall of Man might have been a bit different from the mainstream report.
Oh yeah! If one considers ancient Jewish texts, especially the Kabbalah, then Adam was first paired with Lilith, not Eve. Also, Lilith, some time after divorcing herself from Adam, became the 1st Consort of Sama’el, who according to some works was the one who tempted Eve, not the Serpent, who was merely Sama’els mount.
So really, that part of Genesis that depicts the Fall of Man may just be a sanitized description of family drama surrounding a pair of Ex’s and their jealous new spouses. 😆
Tags: Adam & Eve | Bible | Christianity | Divorce | Genesis | Humor | Judaism | Kabbalah | Marriage | Religion