Armchair Christians
Thanksgiving has past and it’s now the Christmas holiday season and, more importantly to the vast majority of Americans, it’s the official start of the Christmas shopping season. Now is time when, in an orgy of consumerism, we spend money that we don’t have on stuff that the people we give it to don’t need.
Well, in keeping with the holiday spirit and expressing my understanding that America is and always has been a Christian nation, I found the perfect gift for members of the dominant sect of Christianity in America today, the Armchair Christian.
Jesus, Not So Much Risen As Reclined
This seems the perfect Christmas gift for them. They can sit in comfort with the trapping of those parts of their religion they’ve chosen to accept and follow wrapped about them.
Give them a few DVDs from one of the megachurches and they can nurse their form of faith in peace and comfort without any impetus to think about their duty to their God or put themselves through the exercise and discomfort of letting their religious beliefs inform their public opinions and acts, political or otherwise. 😉
NOTE: I am very much not a Christian, so when I say that America is a Christian nation is in an observation made as someone very close to being an outsider and is made with rueful acceptance, not fondness for the situation. I, unlike the Godless filth, know history, can see the present, and have reached the point of acceptance of what is.
Tags: America | Christianity | Christians | Christmas | Holidays | Humor | Laziness | Religion | Sarcasm | Shopping