What The Left Wants

The Leftist, Socialist, Anti-American Pseudo-Economist Paul KrugmanWhat does the Left want? The Left wants the same thing that it and its un-American – frankly, most are virulently anti-American – followers have always wanted – your money if you’re a hard working American and a member of the minority that actually pays federal income taxes.

Of course that is what the Socialists, Communists, and/or Marxists have always wanted in the past, and it is certainly what these latter day, degenerate Neo-Socialists and their minority tenants have been alternatively screaming and whining for in more recent, darker times.

It’s sad and frustrating that these traitors and heretics believe as they do, but its only surprising in how bald-faced and bold they’ve become in voicing their demands in the wake of Obama’s installation in the White House. Take, for example the recent screed in the NY Times by their pet pseudo-economist, Paul Krugman:

There was a time when everyone took it for granted that unemployment insurance, which normally terminates after 26 weeks, would be extended in times of persistent joblessness. It was, most people agreed, the decent thing to do.

But that was then. Today, American workers face the worst job market since the Great Depression, with five job seekers for every job opening, with the average spell of unemployment now at 35 weeks. Yet the Senate went home for the holiday weekend without extending benefits. How was that possible?

The answer is that we’re facing a coalition of the heartless, the clueless and the confused. Nothing can be done about the first group, and probably not much about the second. But maybe it’s possible to clear up some of the confusion.

By the heartless, I mean Republicans who have made the cynical calculation that blocking anything President Obama tries to do — including, or perhaps especially, anything that might alleviate the nation’s economic pain — improves their chances in the midterm elections. Don’t pretend to be shocked: you know they’re out there, and make up a large share of the G.O.P. caucus.

Firstly, if the Leftist filth, Krugman was honest instead of an anti-American Socialist, he would have said, “Yet the Senate went home for the holiday weekend without extending benefits yet again.” It is, after all a fact that Congress has extended unemployment benefits multiple times in the aftermath of Obama, Pelosi, and Reid’s failed Stimulus Plan, which they falsely claimed was designed to create jobs.

Secondly, How long do creatures like Krugman think we should carry these people on our backs? Yes, it’s decent and charitable to do so but for how long, especially when the Liberals ruling and wrecking this nation that they hate so have already buried us, our children, and our children’s children under so much deficit that it makes the eight years of President Bush’s and the previous Congresses’ spending look positively miserly?

Oops! I used a form of the word, “charity.” That’s bound to set off any Liberals who read this. They reject the concept of charity since it interferes with their sense of “entitlement.”

But Krugman is right in that there’s nothing that can be done – that we, the People are currently willing to do. Loyal Americans are not going to suddenly change their allegiance and their faith, and the domestic enemies the likes of: Krugman, the NY Times, President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and the traitorous horde of their anti-American followers are not willing or possibly capable of changing theirs.

So we will continue to rail at each other, Americans and Neo-Socialist Liberals and Progressive engaged in a war of largely useless words over Liberty vs. the Nanny State. Truly though, there is little point in the argument a this point; of the three boxes that votes are contained in – the soap box, the ballot box, and the cartridge box – we’re past the point where the first is particularly useful, if it ever was.


Keep your eyes open. Travel light but load heavy, and always put another round in the enemy after they’re down.  ;-)

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