Unhappy Easter Bunny
America in the New Dark Age of Obama is experiencing a bit of Change as Obama’s cultists Hope to remake the fabric America and further consolidate all power into the hands of the federal government. This, along with the new forces and powers available to the IRS has led to some unintended consequences.
Easter Bunny Arrested For Not Sufficiently Redistributing Easter Eggs
It makes a certain sense though. Obama and his minions would be highly unlikely to believe that the Easter Bunny, a mythic holdover from old Alsatian and Upper Rhinelander traditions brought to America by German immigrants during the 1700s, could be trusted to sufficiently and properly distribute his burden eggs.
Therefor the Obama regime, in the form of agents from the IRS, had to step in and ensure that all wealth or egg redistribution correctly followed the dictates of “social justice.” 😉
Tags: Cartoons | Easter | Holidays | Humor | Obama | Politics | Socialism
April 2nd, 2010 at 4:58 pm
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by jonolan. jonolan said: New Post – Unhappy Easter Bunny – http://tinyurl.com/ygpj5lg […]
April 2nd, 2010 at 7:39 pm
Do Islamic terrorists believe in chocolate eggs, and marshmallow rabbits? We should feel guilty in even wanting to celebrate a Christian festival with teutonic cultural rituals that are offensive to PETA.
April 3rd, 2010 at 8:01 am
No, Islamic terrorists don’t condone chocolate eggs, marshmallow rabbits, or anything else that the Civilized World condones such as justice, freedom, reading, bathing, or indoor plumbing. 😉
But yes, I’m sure the Teutonic roots of the Easter Bunny “concerns” President Obama and his followers. though probably not as much as the Christian aspects of the Easter holiday do.
As for PETA – who cares? The only use for PETA is as target practice or some other form of weapons or chemical agent testing.