Egalitarian Consumerism

There are a plethora of problems, failures, and issues with the Liberals’ and Progressives’ economic agenda. In fact, there are so many of them that it beggars credulity that anyone of a serious bent and possessed of a real education would take them seriously. All these problems, however, stem from the same root cause and that can be addressed simply.

The entire Leftist economic dogma is based upon a philosophy that I describe as Egalitarian Consumerism.

Egalitarian Consumerism

Function: noun

Date: 2013


  1. a belief that people are intrinsically equal and, therefor, deserve equal access to all material goods and services.

And therein lies the core of the problem. The Liberals and Progressives may stridently complain about capitalism, corporations, and America’s consumer culture but they’re entire economic agenda is directly and irrevocably tied to just those things. They don’t want to put an end to these things; they just want everyone to be able to have all the same stuff, whether they’ve earned the privilege of doing so or not.

The Psychology of Consumerism
You Are What You Purchase! Buy More; Be More!

There are a plethora of problems, failures, and issues with the Liberals’ and Progressives’ economic agenda. In fact, there are so many of them that it beggars credulity that anyone of a serious bent and possessed of a real education would take them seriously. All these problems, however, stem from the same root cause and that can be addressed simply. The entire Leftist economic dogma is based upon a philosophy that I describe as Egalitarian Consumerism.

One need only look at who they claim are poor, or at how the Liberals and Progressives have created a permanent “underclass” based upon a relative scale, to see this as being the truth.

And therein lies the core of the problem. The Liberals and Progressives may stridently complain about capitalism, corporations, and America’s consumer culture but they’re entire economic agenda is directly and irrevocably tied to just those things. They don’t want to put an end to these things; they just want everyone to be able to have all the same stuff, whether they’ve earned the privilege of doing so or not.”

This in a nation where one of the common, recurring complaints of these same Leftists is that “the poor” are overfed to the point of morbid obesity!

No. The Left is all about stuff. Worldly goods are their primary concern – so much so, in fact, they will scream at the top of their lungs that it’s unfair that some few people can buy so much more useless crap than others can and achieve a material quality of existence better than others can.

What’s far worse is that they cling to the dictates of Egalitarian Consumerism with such fanatical devotion that they honestly don’t care if the only way that they can achieve this is to lower the overall material wealth of the nation to a point where the the lowest economic classes are no longer considered “underprivileged.”

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6 Responses to “Egalitarian Consumerism”

  1. Titfortat Says:

    The Left is all about stuff.(Jonolan)

    I think the Left and the Right are stroking the same thing. It just seems like they missed the fact that a refractory period is in order. 😉

  2. jonolan Says:

    True, both are steeped in consumerism, but it’s the Left that both claims they aren’t and who want that consumerism to equally “benefit” everyone.

  3. titfortat Says:

    The ends of both dance the same dance. Unfortunately they are the ones playing the music for us all. Left/Right, Red/Blue, in reality is there really any difference?

  4. jonolan Says:

    I’m really not sure how you can say that since the two sides are quite different in their underlying economic philosophies.

  5. titfortat Says:

    At the high end of the economic scale I bet you they are much closer than most of us are willing to imagine. Its so much easier to control the commoners when you have them believe the rich think like they do. 😉
    Philosophy is very different than action.

  6. titfortat Says:

    Leadership Pack………….60minutes is great, lol. And you wonder why there are problems. Im sure its no different here in Canada but to think that Dems or Reps or Libs or Cons. are different is ludicrous. Power corrupts them equally

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