Modern Education

It’s generally considered important for parents to start educating their children in the ways of the world and accepted social mores as soon as possible. Teaching these life lesson well and early gives them the best head start in growing up to be a successful part of their society.

Life Lessons
Teach your children well…And Feed Them On Your Dreams

Of course, while children are adaptable and normally learn easily, the overall outcome is more dependent upon the curriculum than anything else… ๐Ÿ˜‰

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2 Responses to “Modern Education”

  1. Aafke-Art Says:

    But, luckily, children can always suddenly decide to make up their own mind!

  2. jonolan Says:

    Yes, they can. It quite rare for them to decide to complete leave the framework of their early education though. They may rebel and develop opposing priorities – rebelling – but they will rarely move completely outside the box they were raised within, Aafke.

    This is especially true when the “education” they received played strong to their id as the sarcastic cartoon above depicted.

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