Rethinking AI Art

Yeah, there’s a lot of issues with what we call AI – some of them even real as opposed to just race-baiting rantings – and those extend deeply into the field of art. And again yeah, I’m one of those who’ve been generally against any thought of AI art’s worthiness, value, or even acceptability.
But, now I’m rethinking AI art’s worthiness and that may be in part because of AI’s “bias.” I mean, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with Scarlett Johansson’s actual figure; she’s a beautiful and stunning woman. But, an AI’s depiction of her as a fertile, soft-bodied beauty does make me rethink the value of AI-generated art. 😉
Think upon it. Whatever bias AI has is largely due to organic heuristics. In other words, AIs largely build their baselines through harvesting data from the internet. Hence, this depiction of Scarlett Johansson indicates that the zeitgeist is not inherently focused on what the weight-loss and fashion cartels want us to be attracted to insofar as women’s forms are concerned.
Tags: AI | AI Art | Artificial Intelligence | Babes | Beauty | Beauty Standards | Curvy Girls | Scarlett Johansson | Society | Technology