A Dangerous Minority

That’s right; according to MSNBC’s Joy Reid, those Americans living in “rural” areas are a dangerous minority and a “core threat” to America’s democracy. She’s real concerned that “those sorts” will have too much say in the nation at the expense the interests and power of the urbanites.

Of course it’s blatantly obvious from her race, political affiliation, and employment that Reid doesn’t really mean “rural” when she says rural. No, “rural” is just a dog-whistle for White, Straight, Christian, Patriotic Americans who don’t live in major urban centers. She certainly wasn’t lambasting and bemoaning the non-urban Blacks in The South or the non-urban Hispanics in the Southwest and large swaths of California. No, it’s just a bit of code-switching since Reid can’t right up and out and say, “Fucking Crackas.”


2016 Election Results By Precinct
(Click to Enlarge)

And, of course, what Reid is really angry about and afraid of is that in her mind that supposed rural minority that is so dangerous are the 62,979,879 Americans who voted for Donald Trump. Yes, she both hates and fears the 46.1% of Americans – vs. the 48.2% that voted in vain for Hillary Clinton – who gave Trump a 306 to 232 Electoral College victory and the reins of our nation, at least insofar as any POTUS has the reins.

What’s truly funny and what showcases Reid’s stupidity alongside her racism is that Clinton only won in a very small number of geographically concentrated precincts, as the map above shows. To make that point clearer, if one removed the popular vote totals from any one of the big three Democrat strongholds – California, Massachusetts, and New York – Hillary would have also lost the popular vote.

The 2016 Per-County Results Of The Big Three Democrat Strongholds

And, to take that point even further, with the stark exception of Massachusetts, those dangerous rural folk took some big bites of those Democrat strongholds too. šŸ˜‰ Hellfire! Trump won 45 of 62 counties in New York and 25 out of 102 in California. How deplorable!

Deplorables – A Dangerous Minority

And for your enjoyment and edification, here’s a sampling of beautiful examples of those ever so deplorable and dangerous rural minorities. They don’t seem all that scary and evil to me … though some sorts will disagree.

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2 Responses to “A Dangerous Minority”

  1. Jack Rip Says:

    I live among those deplorable minorities and I assure you there is nothing scary about them! In fact, I quite often find great comfort and solace with them. Maybe twice.

  2. jonolan Says:

    I never lived in the rural heartland but I grew up pretty close to being a Withlacoochee Swamp Rat. Closest I came to living in the heartland was a year in Columbus, OH and 9 months in Cincinnati, OH.

    I’ve worked a lot though alongside and with those deplorable minorities and, with a very few and very understandable exceptions, I too found them far more inviting and comforting than dangerous.

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