We Been Wrong For Years

Found in 1868 in the River Thames by Waterloo Bridge in London, England, the Waterloo Helmet has long been labeled as a Ceremonial / Ritual / Religious object. This has always been based on how the “horns” were useless and problematical in combat.
OK, any and every “find” that archeologists can’t immediately identify a use for has long been labeled as a Ceremonial / Ritual / Religious object. 😛
But now, after seeing the Waterloo Helmet in context, we can see that we were fundamentally wrong. Those aren’t horns; they’re boobs! It’s a repoussage, pre-Roman, bronze boob hat in the La Tène style. 😆
Tags: Ancient Culture | Ancient History | Archeology | Boobs | History | Humor | Intellectual Bias | Science | Society | Waterloo Helmet