Archive for the '2010 Election' Category

Decision 2010

Posted in 2010 Election, Humor on October 28th, 2010

Decision 2010 – Tea or Hoping To Rub One Out?

Of course the biggest issue is that “letting the genie out of the bottle” has already proven to be similar to Pandora’s horrid mistake. 😉

If The Axioms Are True

Posted in 2010 Election, Politics on October 26th, 2010

Let us for a moment consider what must be also be true if the tired and overly simplistic axioms about the Republican and Democratic parties’ affiliations and loyalties are actually fundamentally true. Let us, as a mental exercise in preparation for the upcoming 2010 Congressional Mid-Term Elections, take at face value the axioms that the Republicans are the “Party of Business” and the Democrats are the “Party of Labor.”

A quick look at America’s current situation and how Business and Labor, in the forms of corporations and unions, respectively impact it is needful in order to show the basic truths that must be accepted if those axioms are true.

America is a Recession, one that I believe will “double-dip” or even “triple-dip,” and grow worse in the upcoming quarters. Worse, while our GDP has made very modest gains and is showing some growth, albeit anemically, this “recovery” has been an essentially jobless one, with unemployment averaging 9.2% since Nov, 2008.

Employment & Wealth

Corporations (Business) create wealth and provide for employment as well as goods and services. Unions (Labor) create nothing, simply redistributing the wealth created by the corporations to their membership and their own coffers.

Which of these stands the best chance of helping America’s economy? Creation of wealth and employment or redistributing wealth and controlling jobs?

Representative Of America

Every member of America’s labor force either owns a business or is employed by one or more of them. Of that approximately 154 million Americans just 12.3% of them are members of unions.

Which represents America more? The businesses that are owned by and/or employ the sum of the American workforce or the labor unions which represent the goals of a mere 12.3% of our labor force?


So, as we consider who to elect to political office this November, we must consider these axioms about the Republicans and Democrats because, if they’re even close to true, these elections are going to be critically important for our near-term survival.

Obama Can Shove It

Posted in 2010 Election, Politics on October 25th, 2010

failure should be painful and it seemingly is for Obama.Remember when Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) called out President Obama during the POTUS’ speech on ObamaCare before a joint session of Congress? Wilson’s cry of, “You Lie!” had the Obama cultists, Congressional Black Caucus, and Liberals in general in an uproar filled with wild, jabbering cries of racism for weeks.

Even many Americans sadly shook our heads and wondered what had become of dignity and decorum in the political sphere.

One now has to wonder if there will be any similar outrage when indecorous and undignified commentary to or about President Obama is coming from a fellow Democrat – in this case the Democrats’ candidate for Governor of Rhode Island, Frank Caprio who publicly declared that Obama could take his endorsement and shove it.

This morning on WPRO Radio Providence, Democratic Rhode Island gubernatorial candidate Frank Caprio, whom President Obama has not endorsed, lashed out.

“I never asked President Obama for his endorsement and what’s going on here is really Washington insider politics at its worst,” Caprio said. “He can take his endorsement and really shove it as far as I am concerned.”

Deferring to his friendship with former Sen. Lincoln Chafee, the former Republican senator currently an independent gubernatorial candidate who endorsed the president in 2008, the president has not endorsed Caprio.

Recent polls indicate that Caprio and Chafee are in a tight race. According to the Providence Journal, Caprio was unaware that the president would not be endorsing him until a reporter told his campaign the news over the weekend.

President Obama will visit Rhode Island this afternoon, touring the facilities of American Cord & Webbing in Woonsocket and delivering remarks at two receptions in Providence, R.I., raising money for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

Caprio today charged that the president is “coming into Rhode Island treating us like an ATM machine. I will wear it as a badge of honor and a badge of courage that he doesn’t want to endorse me as a Democrat.“

Two salient facts lead me to believe that there won’t be a similar outcry against Caprio:

Firstly, much of the outrage against Rep. Wilson was fabricated by the Liberals to further the ObamaCare agenda and the rest was just the normal handout-seeking race-baiting Americans have come to expect from the Congressional Black Caucus. What little real outrage was leveled against Rep. Wilson was from the Obama cultists.

Secondly, Obama is an utter and abject failure. Even his one-time supporters have wandered away from him in disillusionment and disgust. He has gone from Messiah to Pariah with a record breaking rapidity. Liberals aren’t going to feel or manufacture any outrage over insults to Obama by their own Party members or supporters – not this close to the elections.

Who knows? Caprio’s outburst might even win him his very closely contested election.

Obama’s In A Vice

Posted in 2010 Election, Politics on October 11th, 2010

The Obama Messiah - A False prophet with delusions of worthPresident Obama is, politically speaking, being crushed in a vise, and it’s one of his own making. He has angered both the political elite, who berate his incompetence, and the masses of American people, who are massed in their anger at his policies and agenda.

Worse for him but not for America, it’s now too late for him to do anything about it until after the Congressional Mid-Term Elections.

A bit of moderation and due humility might have saved this political neophyte, but his arrogance and unfounded feelings of superiority have been his undoing. The upcoming elections will be more a referendum upon Obama than choice between candidates.

From TIME:

With the exception of core Obama Administration loyalists, most politically engaged elites have reached the same conclusions: the White House is in over its head, isolated, insular, arrogant and clueless about how to get along with or persuade members of Congress, the media, the business community or working-class voters. This view is held by Fox News pundits, executives and anchors at the major old-media outlets, reporters who cover the White House, Democratic and Republican congressional leaders and governors, many Democratic business people and lawyers who raised big money for Obama in 2008, and even some members of the Administration just beyond the inner circle.

On Friday, after the release of the latest bleak unemployment data — the last major jobs figures before the midterms — Obama said, “Putting the American people back to work, expanding opportunity, rebuilding the economic security of the middle class is the moral and national challenge of our time.” But elites feel the President has failed to meet that challenge and are convinced he will be unable to do so in the remainder of his term. Moreover, there is a growing perception that Obama’s decisions are causing harm — that businesses are being hurt by the Administration’s legislation and that economic recovery is stalling because of the uncertainty surrounding energy policy, health care, deficits, housing, immigration and spending.

And that sentiment is spreading. Many members of the general public appear deeply skeptical of Obama’s capacity to turn things around, especially, but not exclusively, those inclined to dislike him — Tea Partyers and John McCain voters, but also tens of millions of middle-class Americans, including quite a few who turned out for Obama in 2008.

President Obama, apparently unused to responsibility, squandered all of his political capital on incessantly blaming President Bush for our problems, the GOP for preventing him from fixing anything, and Fox News for anything and everything he could dream up. Both he and America would have been better served if Obama had taken responsibility and worked to actually resolve the tactical issues before our country.

At this juncture Obama can shuck and jive all that he wants to in the hopes that he can convince the voters that everything America is struggling is someone else’s fault, but what has devolved into little more than blame it on the “Old White Guys” won’t work well anymore, especially since a lot of those Democrats who will still let him shill for them are themselves “Old White Guys.”


Keep your eyes open. Travel light but load heavy, and always put another round in the enemy after they’re down. 😉

You Want Jobs?

Posted in 2010 Election on October 8th, 2010

Mother and Children During the Great DepressionYou want jobs? You want companies to start hiring again and start spending their “war chests” on expansion and development? You want unemployment and “underemployment” figures to drop to more comfortable levels? If so, you’d be best served by voting the Republicans into Congress and taking both the US House of Representatives and the US Senate away from the Democrats in the upcoming Congressional Mid-Term Elections because that’s the only thing that likely to work.

The Liberals running the Democratic party’s actions over the last two years haven’t helped assuage unemployment at all. TARP, Porkulus, the Auto Bail-out, ObamaCare,  and the rest of their efforts have not even been aimed at creating jobs – with the exception of bolstering certain union jobs so their personal campaign finances stay in the black – though they’ve tried to spin things to look like they were.

The market knows this and is reacting accordingly. Corporations are sitting on over $1 Trillion in capital instead of using it to expand their production capabilities and workforce largely because Obama, Pelosi, and Reid, along with their coterie of anti-business Leftists have created such uncertainty in the market that it would be utterly foolish for corporations to commit their capital to expansion projects.

Research the market trends since January 2009; every time Obama speaks and every time some piece of his agenda looks to become law or starts being enforced the market drops.

Conversely, when Obama’s silent and stays away from the national stage the market recovers a bit. Tangentially, the same is true of Obama’s approval rating.

The neo-Socialist agenda of “Obamaism” was and is an utter failure. It will have to be quashed if America is to see a true revival and restoration of our economy, one that includes jobs for Americans. That means voting out as many Democrats as is possible in the upcoming 2010 Congressional Mid-Term elections.

Vote enough Republicans into office in the House and Senate to “geld” Obama and the American corporations will almost immediately start using their over $1 Trillion in “war chests.” They know, and the Liberals incessantly bemoan, that the GOP is pro-Business. Since business is the only thing that can drive employment and those businesses know who their friends and enemies are, electing Republicans to Congress will de facto create jobs and lower unemployment.