Archive for the '2010 Election' Category

The Party of NoBama

Posted in 2010 Election on October 5th, 2010

The Democrats, desperately trying to maintain their control of the House and/or Senate in the 2010 Congressional Mid-Term Elections which are predicted to be a bloodbath, have hit upon a new strategy – pruning away their dead wood and more embarrassing characters.

The first Democrat to fall before the proverbial headsman’s act was President Obama himself, who had galvanized and inspired them in 2008 but whose various actions, inactions and rhetoric have alienated and angered the majority of the American populace.

Democrats - The Party of No, at least when it comes to associating themselves with Obama
Obama: Want Me To Campaign For You?

Not only do many Democrat candidates not want Obama to campaign for them, they refuse to even mention his name while on the campaign trail.

From the Telegraph:

Al Gore failed to mention President Barack Obama at a campaign rally in Florida as Democrats extended their new tactic for next month’s elections – ignoring the man who so inspired them in 2008.

Representative Kendrick Meek, the Democratic candidate for the United States Senate in the November 2nd mid-terms, also neglected to let Mr Obama’s name pass his lips during an appearance with the former vice-president in a union hall.

Instead, the black congressman lauded “President Gore” – a reference to the 2000 election, when hanging chads in Florida and the US Supreme Court cost the Democrat the White House.

With their party facing a possible landslide defeat in a month’s time, Democratic candidates are running away from Mr Obama and his record. Polls indicate Democrats could lose control of the House of Representatives and perhaps even the Senate, a result that could cripple to Obama presidency.

In Tampa, neither Mr Gore nor Mr Meek made direct reference to Mr Obama’s historic health care legislation, his proudest achievement, or the financial bailout. Both measures are unpopular with all but hardcore Democratic supporters.

Two years ago, every Democrat in the country was invoking Mr Obama’s name as they hoped to ride on his coat-tails to electoral victory. This year, he is a near-pariah, with many of the party’s candidates doing everything they can to distance themselves from him.

From Messiah to Pariah in just under two years. I believe that President Obama may have set some sort of record for political and personal collapse and failure. I’ve never heard of any elected head of state becoming anathema to their own political party any where near so quickly.

Unhealthy Consequences

Posted in 2010 Election, 2012 Election, Politics on October 3rd, 2010

Dr. Obama Joker - The Prescription is Death, Poverty, and DespairThe Liberals were warned – loudly and repeatedly – by Americans that there would be unhealthy consequences from forcing the abomination that is ObamaCare upon the people. Of course the Liberals, indoctrinated into a neo-Socialist cult of anti-Americanism and anti-Capitalism, ignored these warnings and supported the Triumvirate of Evil, Obama, Pelosi, and Reid in their quest to quasi-nationalize 1/6th (16%) of the US economy.

In the wake of Obama, Pelosi, and Reid unconstitutionally enacting ObamaCare through a series of only marginally legal methods, it didn’t take long at all for Americans’ common sense wisdom to be proven right and our dire predictions to become horrid reality.

So the immediate unhealthy consequences of the filth trying to rule America’s foray into Health Insurance Reconstruction is that individuals and small businesses, children, and poor people – the three groups mendaciously touted by Obama and his coterie as the primary beneficiaries of ObamaCare – are all facing either significant increases in health insurance costs or a loss of coverage et al.

As we approach the 2010 Congressional Elections and later the 2012 Presidential Elections it is critical for Americans to remember that these are unhealthy consequences of ObamaCare, not unintended consequences. Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and all their followers knew what they were doing and were more than willing to sacrifice the health hand very lives of Americans in order to reach their goal – Socialized Medicine aka a Single Payer System.

This Is Just A Transitional Step Towards A Single-Payer System

These vermin knew that enacting the legislation contained within the final version of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act would force health insurance providers, which operate at a mere 3 โ€“ 4% profit margin, to raise rates and reduce coverage to high-risk clientele or go out of business entirely, leaving tens of millions of American men, women, and children without health insurance.

This was their plan. Drive the health insurance industry to either make unpopular rate increases and service cuts or go out of business. Either way it would enable the Triumvirate of Evil to step in and takeover or supplant the industry. It has always been their intent to manufacture this crisis and then capitalize upon it.

Know this – any deaths that result from this, especially the deaths of any American children, are on the hands of Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and their Liberal followers. They need and want people to die.

These creatures are a clear and present danger to the health, well-being, and very lives of American men, women, and children. They are more than willing to kill among us in order to “fundamentally change” the nation that they so despise.

What’s even worse is that the Liberals won’t be satisfied with killing American children. The many children who survive will be de facto “indentured” to foreign powers in order to pay off the Triumvirate of Evil’s multi-trillion dollar deficit spending spree.

Remember all this in November and use the ballot box to enact real change, positive change, change that will start the restoration of America. We, the People must stand shoulder-to-shoulder and cast down these would-be despots with these elections.

If we can’t stand strong and united and defeat the enemies of America using the ballot box then it will be necessary for each American patriot’s conscience to dictate what actions he or she will take to preserve and defend our nation. It’d be far better for all if it didn’t come to that.


Keep your eyes open. Travel light but load heavy, and always put another round in the enemy after theyโ€™re down. ๐Ÿ˜‰

The GOP’s Pledge

Posted in 2010 Election, Politics on September 24th, 2010

On Thursday, September 23, 2010ย  the Republican Party leadership released what they claim is their new covenant with we, the People of the United States of America. They described it as- and titled it A Pledge To America.

This Pledge, reminiscent of their 1994 Contract With America, was unveiled with limited fanfare during an event at a hardware store in Sterling, VA. It has prompted a mixture of scorn and fearful, hate-filled rhetoric from the Liberals and a mixture of responses ranging from disdain to provisional acceptance from the American people.

GOP Pledge to America

What I think is interesting and quite telling is that the vitriol spewing from the Left seems to be because they believe the GOP but the lack of enthusiasm for the GOP’s Pledge seems to be because the Right and the Center don’t believe them.

Cuneum Formate! Porro!

Posted in 2010 Election on September 19th, 2010

The primaries for the 2010 Congressional Mid-Term Elections are over and included some results within the Republican primaries that many are describing as upsets such as Christine O’Donnell’s primary victory in Delaware. Yet, upsets or not, these are the candidates we, the People have chosen to array against the Liberals in these elections.

The primaries are a proper time for internecine struggle but those times are now past, their issues decided. It is time now for we, the People to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with our brothers and sisters in arms and present a united front to America’s enemies. We must move and fight as one if we are to be victorious.

Cuneum Formate! Porro!
Cuneum Formate! Porro!

In the words of many, many centurions of days gone by, “Cuneum Formate! Porro!” These are the ancient commands of the Roman Legion that meant to form a wedge formation and attack the enemy.

This Is How I Feel

Posted in 2010 Election, Humor on August 27th, 2010

This is how I feel about the state of the government most times these days. It’s funny and depressing at the same time.

demotivational posters - ARE WE THERE YET?
Are We There Yet? Is It November Yet?

Can we just get to the 2010 Congressional Midterm Elections, kick these jackasses out of office, and maybe, just maybe, get on with the business of restoring some measure or vestige of sanity to America?