Archive for September, 2016

Still Not Bothered

Posted in Society on September 4th, 2016
Wenona and Michelle Lovers
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Girls Kissing Girls? Nope! Still Not Bothered By It

I posted about homosexual public displays of affection (PDAs), apparently something that queer activists think Americans hate and loath, only affecting male queers and waited almost nine months for some sort of outrage…and waited, and waited.

Nope! We’re still not bothered by girls kissing girls in public or private. The post is quite popular but the singular comment was positive. Hell! If various polls, statistics, and anecdotes are to be believed, we like it.

Obama On Hillary

Posted in 2016 Election, Politics on September 4th, 2016

One of the things about Obama is that he’s never let a previously “strongly held” opinion get in the way of issuing a contrary one later. It’s a political advantage of being so good at shucking and jiving. A case in point – one of a plethora – is Obama’s opinion of Hillary’s fitness for office.

Obama on Hillary - 2008 vs. 2016Obama on Hillary – 2008 vs. 2016

That’s Obama for you; he’ll say whatever he thinks will most benefit him at that moment. Back in 2008 it benefited the boy to malign Hillary. Now, in 2016 it benefits him to laud her.

Of course, his opinions have changed so often, especially during any given election cycle, that even the Lamestream media has ignored his endorsement of Hillary.

DNC Strategy Meeting

Posted in 2016 Election, Politics on September 3rd, 2016

Selling Stinking Shit Is Actually EasyDNC Strategy Meeting

You would think that the image above aptly described how the DNC was dealing with having Hillary Clinton as the Nominee for POTUS. You would likely expect the image to be a near perfect allegory for a DNC strategy meeting about the 2016 elections.

The sad irony is that such expectations are unfounded and in all likelihood erroneous. Given the DNC’s control over- or hegemony with the Lamestream media and the fact that Hillary’s campaign is predicated upon gender politics, and that the Blacks don’t fight their traces, such meeting are actually unlikely to have happened.

Even sadder is the likelihood that, if such a meeting occurred, it was the RNC holding it, not the DNC. Given their fear of Donald Trump – or any other “interloper” – they’re the ones most likely to have been trying to figure out how to sell Hillary to the voters. 🙁

Heckofa Job, Barry!

Posted in Politics on September 3rd, 2016

Consider that Obama may believe he's doing a good job as POTUS, even a Heckofa jobYou’re Doing a Heckofa Job, Barry!

Here’s a thought that is equal parts sad, scary, and angering: consider that Obama may actually believe that he’s done a good job – perhaps even a heckofa job given all the obstacles he would perceive to face – as the President of the United States of America.

Such a belief on Obama’s part would certainly fit the pathology he presents. It would also fit the ideology and mores of his adopted culture. Hence, there’s a reasonable likelihood that Obama does, in fact, believe that he’s done and is doing a heckofa job.

Yeah, it’s a sad, scary, and angering thought that Obama may be patting himself on the back for “how well” he’s performed as POTUS.

Factual Is Not True

Posted in 2016 Election, Politics on September 2nd, 2016

Fact: Hillary Is Not a CrookFact: Hillary Is Not a Crook

So many people conflate facts with truth, ignoring that facts have contexts and limits that do not always, or even often, align with greater truths. For example, Hillary Clinton is not a criminal or crook; that is a fact. She has not been charged with, much less convicted of, any crime. Hence, the fact is that she not a criminal since criminal is a term constrained by the context of legalism. The truth is so obviously otherwise though.

I would say that the question of the 2016 Presidential election devolves whether or not the voters care more for truth than facts, but that statement would be neither factual nor true. Hillary’s supporters don’t care about her criminality or anything beyond her core platform.