Lock And Load
Lock And Load is a fairly old song written by singer, songwriter, and author Leslie Fish. While it was written by her some decades ago, over the years it has become more and more relevant for we, the People of the beleaguered United States of America.
We must remind the arrogant filth in DC that we will make no truce with would-be kings.
Lock and Load, it may well be the new battle anthem of the American people. It may have to be such if any recognizable remnant of our nation is to survive..
Lock And Load
From the first the word was made
our folks shall not be afraid
of men and states
that rule like gods
and all the hell that brings.Empires rise,
empires fall
we will stand beyond them all
while we keep the memories strong
and make no truce with kings.Lock and load
aim and fire
before hell rises any higher
ready left and ready right
before the truth goes out of sight.Still the devil’s scratched the door
whispering as he’s done before
liberties a luxury and this is crisis time
crisis here, crisis there
always trouble brews somewhere
which excuse is hot today?
disaster war or crime?Lock and load
aim and fire
before hell rises any higher
ready left and ready right
before the truth goes out of sight.Inch by inch the ivy crawls
over the old restraining walls
law by law the state grows fat
and the ancient rights go down
show me one that isn’t breached
by laws that politicians preached
the old king smiles and sits and waits
and polishes his crownLock and load
aim and fire
before hell rises any higher
ready left and ready right
before the truth goes out of sight.Law by law we grow dismayed –
if we were bribed we’re poorly paid
peace and plenty never came
for all we gave away
while we watched the power grow
we’ve been suckered, now we now
what we bought wasn’t worth the price
the game ends just one way.Lock and load
aim and fire
before hell rises any higher
ready left and ready right
before the truth goes out of sight.If this leads into war
that is what this right is for
to take our freedom in our hands
we have no angels’ wings
the gloves are off
the rent’s come due
the lies have failed
we see what’s true
remember what we always knew
and make no truce with kings.
Lock and Load is a song to live by and, if needs be, a song to die by. If America is to prevail in these trying times we must not only make no truce with our would-be kings, but also offer them and their supporters no respite or quarter.
We’ve used the Soap Box and the vermin in DC have ignored our will. In November and in 2012 we will use the Ballot Box. If nothing changes then…
Keep your eyes open. Travel light but load heavy, and always put another round in the enemy after they’re down. 😉
Tags: 2010 Elections | 2012 Elections | 2nd Amendment | America | Freedom | Leslie Fish | Music | Politics | Statism | Tyranny