Squawking The Squawk
President Obama, Castro, Chavez, Ortega, and Zelaya certainly seem to be birds of a feather. Or, at least, President Obama is good at squawking the squawk of a Socialist or Communist dictator.
Obama, Castro, Chavez, Ortega, and Zelaya – Birds of a Feather
On Tuesday, June 30, 2009, under the direction of President Obama, the United States co-sponsored legislation with Marxist regimes of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela and Evo Morales in Bolivia in solidarity with- and support of the recently ousted Socialist leader and would-be Leftist dictator Manuel Zelaya of Honduras.
As reported by The Hill:
The U.S. co-sponsored a successful U.N. resolution supporting Honduras’s ousted leader Tuesday as Republicans began to speak out against the Obama administration’s condemnation of the overthrow.
Manuel Zelaya, who was arrested and forced into exile Sunday, addressed the U.N. General Assembly after the unanimous vote on the resolution sponsored in part by Bolivia, Mexico, Venezuela and the United States.
“The resolution that the United Nations has just adopted unanimously … expresses the indignation of the people of Honduras and the people worldwide,” said Zelaya, who began his speech by thanking Venezuela and Ecuador.
President Obama, meeting with Colombian President Alvaro Uribe on Monday, said the U.S. would “stand with democracy” in the face of the overthrow.
H/T to Gateway Pundit
Those were very stirring words spewing from Obama’s mouth. He’s standing with democracy in the face of a military coup. That sounds so American. It’s a shame for America that these words are, like most of what issues from Obama’s craw, lies and falsehoods.
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Tags: Castro | Chavez | Communism | Democracy | Freedom | Honduras | Latin America | Leftists | Morales | Obama | Ortega | Politics | Socialism | Zelaya