Raghead Priorities
By human standards Muslims have some very messed up priorities. By any normative metric the filthy, raghead vermin are beyond the pale of reason. One need only consider how they react to their Qur’an being burned and how they don’t react to their females being burned.
Raghead Priorities Are Not Human Priorities
Oh yes, lampoon the sick, pedophile baboon they follow and seek to emulate or, worse, burn the Qur’an and these poor mockeries of Mankind explode into feral savagery – not that they’re ever far from that condition.
Yet you’ll find no similar outcry about the Muslim tendency to mutilate “disobedient” females by throwing acid in the faces. Nor will you hear anything but apologetics from them on the matter of “honor killings.” Those things are just Muslims keeping discipline in their nests.
The question is why Mankind tolerates either the Muslims’ reaction to burning the Qur’an or their mutilation and/or murder of their females. Man should no more bend his knee to the Muslims’ sensitivities than he should do so to plague rat or rabid dog.
Burn The Qur’an – As A Start
We should burn the Qur’an. We should openly burn as many copies of the baby-raper, Muhammad’s opus as we can and, if and when these vermin respond violently, we should exterminate those that do and then start burning out their masjids, both in the Muslim World and in the West.
Muslims have proven that they can’t be reasoned with because they don’t possess human reason. All that humanity can do is contain their infection and cull their numbers as we would with any other vermin.
Tags: Afghanistan | Disease Control | Islam | Jihad | Muslims | Politics | Terrorism | Terrorists | Vermin | War | War On Terror
February 27th, 2012 at 5:17 pm
Thanks Mr. John… So well said…