The Clowns Demurred

Grim Clown Is Not AmusedBan Ki-Moon, the United Nations’ eighth and current Secretary-General has more than a bit of a problem. The UN, far from being a respected and august international body, is rightfully lambasted and lampooned by all citizens of the Civilized World’s nations who actually love their respective countries.

Mr. Moon thought he had a fix though.

If the truth of matters cannot win the hearts and minds of the citizens of the nations upon which the UN feeds like parasite, the only solution is to alter their thinking. Much like a circus ringmaster, Mr. Moon sought to send in the clowns.

Isn’t it rich?
Isn’t it queer?
Losing my timing this late
In my career?
And where are the clowns?
Quick, send in the clowns.
Don’t bother – they’re here.

The only problem for Mr. Moon and the failing UN is that the clowns in Hollywood apparently demurred.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon took time off from the skirmishes in Libya and other bothers to fight the real threats facing the planet – those coming from the global warming deniers who have thwarted the UN plans for Kyoto II.

“I need your support,” he admitted last week in a pitch to 400 Hollywood movers and shakers in a day-long forum that played up the doom and gloom message — floods, fires and drought – that only Hollywood can sell to a skeptical public.

“Animate these stories!” Ban urged. “Set them to music! Give them life! Together we can have a blockbuster impact on the world.”

The Hollywood crowd, subjected to a day filled with panels with titles like “Making Global Warming a HOT Issue,” seemed sceptical itself. A vice president from Walt Disney, unimpressed by the UN’s two-decades long effort to market climate change to the public, said that it “feels like an early step,” asking “How do you make it marketable, palatable and engaging without preaching?” Another executive noted “the best messaging on climate change by far is by the deniers.”

Ban remains hopeful that he can swing Hollywood his way: “You have power and influence to send to millions and billions of people around world,” he said, adding “Some believe we have 2 or 3 planets, but we don’t. This is the planet we have to preserve and hand to future generations.”

Ban’s visit to Hollywood was part of the UN’s Creative Community Outreach Initiative, a major marketing effort starring himself that counts among its successes its role in the movies, The Interpreter and Che.

When Ban Ki-Moon and the UN can’t even impress Hollywood, which has been pandering to Liberals, Progressives, and any and all Leftist causes they could find, it says a lot about the the utter lack of worth of either the UN’s agenda, their capabilities and integrity, or both.

Even the clowns in suits running the Hollywood studios need any such arrangements between themselves and the United Nations to return value for value and they understand that the UN can’t or won’t do that.

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