A Small Victory In WI
Victories are to be savored, even small ones like the recent victory of Americans over Obama’s cultists in Wisconsin.
The Hudson School District has been forced to issue an apology for attempting to indoctrinate middle school students into “serving” Obama through the use of a propaganda video that had celebrities pledging to serve Obama.
It’s only a small victory for the American people but it’s a victory nonetheless.
Personally, I don’t think that an apology and a promise that the video will never be used again is enough. Every member of the teaching staff, school administration, and District School board that was involved in approving and airing this disgusting paean to tyranny and servitude to Obama should, at a bare and merciful minimum, lose their jobs.
And yes! Godwin be damned; the mix of the opening Bauhaus-styled Obama imagery and the celebrity pledges of servitude to Obama were very reminiscent of mid-to-late 1930s Germany.
We, the People have never, do not, and never shall serve the President. He, like all elected or appointed politicians and bureaucrats are our servants. They deserve whatever respect their job performance earns them and nothing more.
Anyone that attempts to tell American children otherwise is an enemy of our nation and people and should be treated as such in all ways and without compunction.
Tags: America | Liberty | Obama | Politics | School | Tyranny | Wisconsin