Just The Tip

Yeah, the government corruption we’ve seen is just the tip of the iceberg. The graft, corruption, and covered up rank criminality of many politicians and permanent members of the bureaucracy – i.e., the Deep State – at all levels of government runs far deeper than we’re aware of or allowed to be aware of. Insider trading, rampant tax fraud, and profiting off of awarded government contracts is just part of their endemic criminality, and we don’t and likely won’t hear about the rest of it.
And how could we see any of the rest of the government corruption afflicting our nation? The Lamestream Media – and the majority of major social media platforms – are effectively wholly owned by the Democrats, so they’re not going to put much, if any, effort into exposing that party’s malfeasance. And, either the Republicans are not nearly as corrupt or are far better at hiding their crimes. Hence, they’re not getting exposed even the “journalists” have been told by the Dems to do so.
But, to state what is worse and to partially excuse the Lamestream Media’s refusal to expose more of the graft and corruption of our politicians, there’d be little point in their doing so. Unless the politician or bureaucrat had went “Full Kwame,” they face little to no legal repercussions – a $200 fine, if it’s even levied, on millions of dollars of illegal investment 🙄 – and less electoral penalties since we as a People don’t seem to care. We reelect them if they, in general, purport to further our interests.
So, since outing these corrupt pols does nothing or next to nothing and doesn’t generate a significant news cycle and the resultant increased income for the media outlets, the isn’t really a point to their reporting to us about them.
So yeah, the government corruption we’ve seen is just the tip of the iceberg, and that’s likely all we’re going to see.
Tags: America | Apathy | Bureaucrats | Corruption | Crime | Graft | Lamestream Media | Media Bias | Politicians | Politics