Joe Hiden

Ole Joe “The Gaffe Master” Biden should possibly be called Joe Hiden or Punxsutawney Joe. He has, after all, become a sad and bitter recluse, running what passes for his presidential campaign from his basement.
Of course, the Dems have quickly warmed to this bunkered and hunkered style of seeking the Presidency. They’re certainly quite strident in their desire for Biden to NEVER debate President Trump. And really, who can blame them? Biden’s mental acuity and agility have never been that great, and they’ve both declined over the last year or so, which many Dems acknowledge.
I’m just wondering if the Dems expect or plan to force Creepy Uncle Joe to, if elected, run his Presidency in a similar fashion. If so, it does explain why it’s taking them so long to inform Biden who is Vice Presidential running mate is, since she’d be the one most likely running the show.
Tags: 2020 Elections | America | Biden | Dementia | Democrats | Lock-Downs | Politics | Recluse | Senility