Random Acts Of Beauty 7

Random Acts Of Beauty

Just yet another in a series of attempts to lighten up what is normally a dark place – some random acts of beauty that might leaven Reflections From A Murky Pond and elevate our collective moods.

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Random Acts Of Beauty 6

Random Acts Of Beauty

Just another in a series of attempts to lighten up what is normally a dark place – some random acts of beauty that might leaven Reflections From A Murky Pond and elevate our collective moods.

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Random Acts Of Beauty 5

Random Acts Of Beauty

Reflections From A Murky Pond is a dark blog, and I really don’t mean just it’s theme. So, periodically I’m adding some random acts of beauty might leaven it and my, the author’s, mood, a wee bit.

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Random Acts Of Beauty 4

Random Acts Of Beauty

Another in a series of attempts to lighten up what is normally a dark place – some random acts of beauty that might leaven Reflections From A Murky Pond and elevate our collective moods.

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Random Acts Of Beauty 2

Random Acts Of Beauty

Reflections From A Murky Pond is a dark blog, and I don’t mean just it’s theme. So, I figure some random acts of beauty might leaven it and my, the author’s, mood, a wee bit.

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