Late Cretaceous Horrors

Late Cretaceous Horrors - Velociraptor Branta
Late Cretaceous Horrors – Velociraptor Branta

Science, specifically paleontology and related disciplines, now tells us that many dinosaurs were feathered. So, that being the case, I present you the true horror of the Late Cretaceous Period: the Velociraptor Branta (Goose Raptor).

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Prehistoric Puke Cannons?

Prehistoric Puke Cannons?
Prehistoric Puke Cannons?

So, whether they used them or not as a defense mechanism, Brachiosauridae had lethal puke cannons! And no, Ladies and Gentlemen; this is, while funny in a sophomoric way, not truly a joke. It’s actually a plate from Dr. Anthony J. Martin’s book, Dinosaurs Without Bones.

And… “Brachiosaurus puke crater!” 😯

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