The Wrong Answer

Crack CocaineThe Liberals in Congress led by Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) have passed the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010 which will greatly reduce the sentencing guidelines for possession of crack cocaine and completely removes the five-year mandatory minimum prison term for first-time possession of crack cocaine.

Even the Republicans, sadly browbeaten by the incessant fraudulent claims of racism from the Left and its minority tenants, agreed to support it. So it now just awaits the signature of America’s First Black President in order to become the law.

It should come as no surprise to any American that the Democrat-controlled Congress, equally steeped in the pro-drug culture and ethno-guiltism, when faced with a very real problem chose the wrong answer to it and did so because that answer fit into their ethno-guiltism and cynical and desperate desire to curry the Black vote during the lead up to the 2010 Congressional midterm elections.

A saner and less ethno-guiltist governing body would have increased the penalty for powder cocaine to match or more closely resemble that for crack cocaine, especially given the worsening, violent, and destabilizing situation in Mexico right right now.

But it’s almost axiomatic that the Liberals will always support and endorse the wrong answer to real problems – when they even honestly understand the problem at all.

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