Muslim Outreach
I’ve made some negative comments about Obama’s desire to provide employment to Jihadis. Amongst other things, I felt they just weren’t employable. In the latter assertion I might have been mistaken.
Muslim Economic Outreach
There are jobs that American tax dollars can provide for the problematical Muslims that would solve for the problem that they are efficiently and effectively. Indeed, we should shoot for 100% in the Muslim World in order to end the issue of Radical Islam and terrorism. 😉
I’d also like to point out that, if the Muslims are brought into captivity, they’re also quite employable as pharmaceutical testers. And let’s not forget that they can also replace pig carcasses for testing the terminal performance of small arms munitions.
Tags: Employment | Foreign Aid | Genocide | Humor | ISIS | Islam | Jihad | Jobs | Muslims | Obama | Politics | Terrorism | Terrorists