Stay In Your Lane!

The best response and American can give to any Liberal or Progressive or any of the ever-angry minorities that they pander to- and enable is, “Stay in your lane!”
After all, the sole form of valid knowledge about issues is “lived experience,†which they don’t possess. Hence, they need to “Stay in their lane” and not talk about the issue.
And, in all honesty, they’re NOT Americans because nobody can be an American who hates – on the rare-ish occasions that they respect America enough to hate it as opposed to loathing and despite – America, the normative American people, and the culture we built for ourselves. As such and following their own “logic,” they should never offer an unsolicited opinion upon these things anymore than they believe that Americans should interject themselves into their affairs.
Tags: #MAGA | America | Illegal Immigrants | Liberals | Minorities | Politics | Progressives | SJWs | Society