Archive for the 'Books & Reading' Category

Leftist Children’s Book

Posted in Books & Reading, Humor, Politics on August 11th, 2013

Have you ever considered what sort of nursery rhymes and children’s book the Liberals and Progressives would create and purchase for those of their get that they actually allowed to be born? More importantly, have you ever considered what sort of nursery rhymes and children’s book the Liberals and Progressives would want to be mandatory in state-sponsored daycare centers and primary schools?

Left-Wing Nursery Rhymes - The Little Train That Couldn't
The Little Train That Couldn’t

Yes, if Americans allow the Leftists within America a mere four years during their children’s most formative time, they’ll plant a seed in them that will never be uprooted…or so they hope.

I would expect that yellow train engines are a minority and that there’s institutional racism preventing them from suceeding on their own since that’s a core Leftist curriculum.

Yep. The Little Train That Couldn’t – fully approved for Pre-K age children by the Obama Department of Education and The Nudge Panel.

Obama’s New Book

Posted in Books & Reading, Humor, Politics on December 8th, 2012

Now that the 2012 elections are over and Obama has secured his second term in the White and access to the tax-dollars needed to fund his wife’s lifestyle for another four years, the Campaigner-in-Chief has a lot of free time on his hands.

As the boy can’t spend all his time either on vacation or on the golf course – though Americans would feel safer and more secure if he did so – he’s turned his hand, or the hand of some ghostwriter, to his new book.

Obama's new book - American Narcissus
American Narcissus – It’s Not You, It’s Me

As always, the topic of American Narcissus will be Barack Obama, though sample chapters seem to indicate this work will be a more in-depth and honest picture of the boy’s life, character, and soul. This was to be expected and encouraged. Writers should strive to write about that they know and what Obama knows is Obama.

What’s different this time is that the boy is forgoing Simon and Schuster, the publishers of his previous two memoirs, in favor of vanity publication via the Government Printing Office. 😆


Posted in Books & Reading, Politics, Society on November 25th, 2012

TANSTAAFL – Learn it; accept it. You have no choice except to live it. TANSTAAFL is one of the fundamental laws of the universe, though one too many choose to ignore or refute.

Acronym: TANSTAAFL (/tan’stah-fl/)
Meaning: There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
Source: Robert Heinlein’s The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress ( 1 )

There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch. Somebody always pays. To continue the analogy – It might be the diner, but in a way that is deferred or that he or she doesn’t recognize as payment. It might be restauranteur, either willing or due to some form of coercion. Or it might be some third-party, again either willing or due to some form of coercion. But, no matter who is getting stuck with the tab, somebody always pays.

Much like the law of Entropy, TANSTAAFL has it roots in thermodynamics but extends throughout all facets of existence. This is why Socialism and all the dreams of the entitlement society promulgated by the Liberals and Progressives are doomed to failure. Somebody always pays and, sooner or later, you run out of other people’s money or, at least, the ability to access their money.

Yet Liberals and Progressives, despite their purported love of science, can’t understand this. The federal government, with their bipartisan adoration of wimpynomics, certainly doesn’t understand this. The eaters and takers living off of other people’s money most certainly refuse to consider understanding this. But in all these cases their refusal to accent and understand reality is moot; ignorance of the law is no excuse.

The problem is that TANSTAAFL, like all natural laws, isn’t subject to being broken. It is inviolate and cannot be circumvented any more than the law of gravity can be circumvented. It also, however, carries no punishment for attempted transgression; it merely has consequences.

It’s simple. Every regulation placed upon industry carries the price of reduced employment and higher costs. Every tax placed upon people carries the price of reduced spending power. Every time someone or some group is given a handout somebody else has their circumstance worsened.

None of the above should be construed as a blanket statement against social safety net programs or industry regulation. There’s a certain understood value in both.  The price of these things, however, needs to be carefully weighed before they’re put into place and this is something that neither the Leftists and their dependent demographics are willing or able to do.


NOTE: While Robert Heinlein popularized this acronym and attendant phrase, he did not create it. The earliest known occurrence of the phrase, “There ain’t no such thing as free lunch”, appears as the punchline of a joke related in an article in the El Paso Herald-Post of June 27, 1938, entitled “Economics in Eight Words”  and was repeated used multiple times before the 1966 publication of  The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress:

  • The phrase later, in 1942, appeared in an article in the Oelwein Daily Register.
  • In 1945, “There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch” appeared in the Columbia Law Review
  • In 1947 it appeared in a column by economist Merryle S. Rukeyser.
  • In 1949 In 1949 the phrase appeared in an article by Walter Morrow in the San Francisco News and was part of the title of Pierre Dos Utt’s monograph, “TANSTAAFL: a plan for a new economic world order”
  • In 1950, a New York Times columnist ascribed the phrase to economist Leonard P. Ayres.

Heinlein’s popularization of the phrase may, however, have been the inspiration for economist Milton Friedman using it as the title of a 1975 book, There’s No Such Thing as a Free Lunch.

Time Enough For Love

Posted in Books & Reading, Ethics & Morality, Musings on June 14th, 2012

For good or ill I was exposed to a great deal of literature as a young child and encouraged to take full advantage of that privilege. Consequently, I became an avid reader starting at what most would consider a very young – I won’t, however, say “tender” – age.

It followed quite naturally that my reading greatly influenced my thoughts upon many things

While many, many books of varied sorts influenced my views on myriad topics, I truly believe that no single work influenced my thoughts on living more than Robert Heinlein’s Time Enough For Love.

Time Enough for Love by Robert Heinlein finishes his “Future History” as presented to world by his then-editor, John W. Campbell. In it we are given a cornucopia of other stories, as Lazarus Long, now some 2300 years old, is induced to reminisce about his life as part of a complex deal to preserve the ‘wisdom’ of the oldest man alive. Each of the stories that Lazarus relates are fairly complete by themselves, and many authors would have chosen to publish each of them separately so as to maximize his monetary returns.

Heinlein, being the author and the man that we was, chose to keep them all as one piece, as each story helped to illuminate his overriding theme, on just what is love in all of its myriad aspects and why it is so important to man’s survival as a species.

This is a book that I strongly and most emphatically recommend for everyone, though not, perhaps, for children as young as I was when I first read it as it contains much that I prepubescent child cannot viscerally understand. This does, however, present a problem as many of the “lessons” contained within this work are best learned as young as possible.

Many Christians will have issues with this work; of this I have no doubts. I would suggest trying to get past this as the work contains many ethical and behavioral lessons of great worth.

If you can bring yourself to do so, put the situational details aside and absorb the underlying context and message.

Go to your your library and check it out if they have it. If not, buy it. In any event, read it. Personally, I’d suggest buying it since I’ve been returning to it for nigh on 40 years and love it still. It’s the sort of book that becomes an old friend and teacher – one that you keep coming back to and finding new meaning, joy, and sorrow in.

Time Enough For Love also contains two “interludes” which comprise the 64-page The Notebooks of Lazarus Long (Kindle), which I believe is a useful addition to anyone’s traveling library in the same fashion that Sun Tzu’s The Art of War, Mushashi’s The Book of Five Rings, and Machiavelli’s The Prince are.

And yes, I know; it’s more than odd to include a work of fiction – science fiction at that! – alongside philosophical works such as I have done. Mr. Heinlein was that sort of man though. He, much like that radical rabbi from Nazareth, knew that parables teach far better than anything else.

Still the Best Hope

Posted in Books & Reading, Politics, Society on April 15th, 2012

Still the Best Hope: Why the World Needs American Values to Triumph by radio talk show host, syndicated columnist, author, and public speaker, Dennis Prager may well be one of the seminal literary works of 21st century America.

In this book, Dennis Prager contends that humanity as a whole must decide between American values and its two major oppositional alternatives: Islamism and European-style democratic socialism.

First, Prager dissects why Leftism has been and will always be a moral failure, despite its acknowledged appeal to many people of goodwill.

Second, he similarly explains why fundamentalist Islam, despite its historic and growing appeal, cannot make a good society. He does, however, put forth the overly optimistic idea that an open and tolerant Islam will emerge and arise from faithful American Muslims.

Thirdly and most importantly, Prager, in Still The Best Hope, sets forth the “American Trinity”: liberty, values rooted in the Creator, and the melting-pot ideal – in other words, “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and “E Pluribus Unum” – and explains why the “American Trinity” is the rock upon which American Exceptionalism has been built.

Still the Best Hope: Why the World Needs American Values to Triumph hits the shelves and eReaders on April 24, 2012. I’d advise adding it your near-term reading list, which is what I’ll be doing.