Archive for the 'Books & Reading' Category

Girl Genius

Posted in Books & Reading on November 8th, 2014

Girl Genius
Adventure, Romance, MAD SCIENCE!

I have no earthly idea who this young woman is but for some reason she looks a lot like Agatha Heterodyne from Phil and Kaja Foglio’s Girl Genius series of comics or, at least, she does to me. And hey! While I’m not one to dabble in watercolors, I like that look a lot.

And what’s not to like? The character, Agatha Heterodyne is a strong, vibrant female protagonists. She goes far beyond the realm of “perky” or “plucky.” She’s both possessed of strong physical prowess and is a multi-talented genius, hence the series’ title. She’s also far less waifish of vampish and far more robustly curvaceous than is the norm for women in graphic novels.

Girl Genius is now a web comic or, if you’re like me and like a good book, you can get the omibus edition. Either way, this comic series is a lot of fun and has a different sort of cast of characters and plots than is the norm.

It’s billed as Gaslamp Fantasy as opposed to Steampunk because it combines magic with big, clanking, Victorian-style steampunkesque tech, old-fashioned clothes, Frankenstein monsters, and airships – lots and lots of airships – to create a new whole and a new genre.

More importantly, it’s a rollicking good read.

This Is Obama’s America

Posted in Books & Reading, Movies, Politics on January 24th, 2014

This is Obama’s America – An “America” with a would-be tyrant who loathes both the Constitution and any who dare to speak against hi as its President; an “America” where Separation of Powers more often than not means separating we, the People from power.

2016 Obama
2016: Obama’s America

The 2012 documentary 2016: Obama’s America was produced by Gerald R. Molen. D’Souza and John Sullivan co-directed and co-wrote the film, which is based on D’Souza’s book The Roots of Obama’s Rage. It seems that, despite its only moderate box office success, it pissed off Obama’s people – pissed them off enough that they had the FBI charge him with making illegal contributions to a U.S. Senate campaign.

Federal authorities accuse D’Souza of donating more than is legal to the campaign of Wendy Long, who ran in 2012 for the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Hillary Clinton but lost to now-Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand. Long, though, is not mentioned in an indictment obtained by THR on Thursday.

Insiders say D’Souza has been friends with Long since they attended Dartmouth College together in the early 1980s. According to the indictment, D’Souza donated $20,000 to Long’s campaign by aggregating the money from various people and falsely reporting the source of the funds. But Gerald Molen, a co-producer of 2016, says the charge is politically motivated.

While neither Mr. D’Souza nor his attorney seem to be arguing the particulars of the charges, it seems very suspicious and frightening that the FBI would target someone donating $20,000 in bundled funds in an election where the winner, Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), had a warchest of well over $36,000,000.

In a chilling and dishearteningly similar fashion to Obama’s IRS specially targeting Conservative non-profits, this very much seems to be a case of oppression through selective and targeted enforcement of the law.

When it came to the Obama Regime targeting Americans because of their dissent against Obama and his policies, I asked when the Inquisition would begin. Now we know.

Obama’s America

Posted in Books & Reading, Politics on November 9th, 2013

Dinesh D’Souza, in his blockbuster follow-up to The Roots of Obama’s Rage, shows how Obama is applying his anti-colonial ideology to unmake America and turn it into a country our Founders would hardly recognize and would be both saddened and horrified by.

This is because America as we know it – wealthy, powerful, assertive – is not what Obama wants. Obama wants a smaller America, a poorer America, an America unable to exert its will.

To Obama, the hated “1%” isn’t just wealthy Americans; it is America itself, most likely because, out of the necessity of his privileged upbringing, he’s sublimated his racial hate and angst into a hatred for America as a whole.

Read It And Weep

Posted in Books & Reading, Society on September 29th, 2013

America’s plodding, shambling march away from the hallowed halls of meritocracy and into the filth-strewn alleys of ineptocracy is sadly easy to explain once ones learns a simple, horrid fact.

Read It and Weep
Sad Book Facts – Read It And Weep

If Americans don’t pry themselves of The Glass Teat and The Other Glass Teat this won’t change and our society will devolve to the point where it becomes impossible for America to continue to exist as a culture or nation.

Eating Jim Crow

Posted in Books & Reading, Politics, Society on September 2nd, 2013

Michelle Alexander’s new book, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, is exactly what most Americans would expect it be after reading the title or seeing the cover of the book. It’s a well-crafted and articulate piece of extreme race-baiting and grievance-mongering that totally and utterly ignores reality, the antisocial, criminal, and self-destructive behaviors of the “Black Community,” and the negative consequences they suffer as a direct result of those behaviors.

The New Jim Crow is one those uncommon situation where one can judge a book by its cover.

In The New Jim Crow, Alexander systematically argues that America’s judicial system “operates as a tightly networked system of laws, policies, customs, and institutions that operate collectively to ensure the subordinate status of a group defined largely by race.” The War on Drugs, she contends, has created “a lower caste of individuals who are permanently barred by law and custom from mainstream society.” Mass incarceration, and the disabilities that come with the label “felon,” serve, metaphorically, as the new Jim Crow. She further posits that “Race plays a major role-indeed, a defining role – in the current system, but not because of what is commonly understood as old-fashioned, hostile bigotry. This system of control depends far more on racial indifference (defined as a lack of compassion and caring about race and racial groups) than racial hostility – a feature it actually shares with its predecessors.”

The underlying flaw in her work and her thesis is that Mrs. Alexander willfully ignored the reality that Blacks per capita commit far more crimes than any other cultural group in America. If they being wholesale disenfranchised, and they are, it’s by their own devices and not due to any Jim Crow-esque government conspiracy of control over their population. She, like most race-baiters, Black apologists, and purveyors of “Social Justice,” always seem to see the enactment and enforcement of laws as a “lack of compassion and caring about race and racial groups” when Blacks, due to their apparent propensity for criminality, are disproportionately impacted by those laws.

To follow Alexander’s logic to it’s natural conclusion we would have to declare all laws pertaining to violent crime – except, of course, any instance where the crime is White-on-Black – as racist and strike them from the books as Blacks commit approx. 50% of the violent crimes in the US despite being only 13% of the population.

However, I will without reservation concede one critical point to the author.  The sentencing disparity between crack and powder cocaine has been proven to serve no purpose and to have been a reactionary measure that needs to properly reach its sunset.


Contrary to what one might expect, I do suggest that Americans read Michell Alexander’s work. The New Jim Crow is very well written and researched. Because it is so and because it shows exactly how professional race-baiters will match facts to their own agendas, biases, and false postulates, its an important work for Americans to read.