Archive for October, 2016

Privileged Underboobs

Posted in Humor, Society on October 10th, 2016
Privileged Underboobs

It seems like a perfectly good day to post about White, i.e., “privileged” underboobs. After all, I’d previously posted about Underboobs of Color and Good, i.e., Asian Underboobs, so it seemed only fair to add in the White babes’ breasts as well. Despite this being seen as inherently racist and a slap in the face to the #BlackNipplesMatter movement, it is my firmly held belief that all who abide by the proper definition of racism would admit that showcasing White underboobs is required for equal treatment.

In truth, even by the modern, self-serving mis-definition of racism, one without a sociopolitical axe to grind and some affection for the truth has to concede that the power of underboobs is shared equally among the races and, hence, there’s no White Privilege attached to them that must be checked to appease the SJWs.

You’re Born That Way

Posted in Society on October 8th, 2016

Born Racist - Born That Way Because You're WhiteYou’re Born That Way

Hey, White People! You’re racist; you’ve always been racist and you’ll always be racist. You’re born that way! Your were and are racist from birth just because you’re White. Such is the strongly held belief of Liberals and Progressives – most of whom are, themselves, White…but guilty about that – and the “Black Community.”

That is the core belief of the Social Justice Warriors (SJWs) among us. They use their shibboleth, White Privilege to both identify their own and their fellow travelers and provide themselves a rationale to label all Whites as racists…because they’re White.

Irony, Hypocrisy, or Both?

So, according to the SJWs and the ever-angsty, hateful, and covetous Blacks all Whites are inherently, implicitly, and irredeemably racist just because they’re White. Also, only Whites are such because only Whites can be racist by the SJWs’ definition.

I don’t know if deciding that a “race” and only one “race,” Whites is always racist is ironic to the point that Hipsters would kneel and chant “We are not worthy” or an example of hypocrisy so rank that maggots would recoil from it in nauseated horror. Probably it’s a bit of both.

Born That Way Sounds Familiar

Yeah, that’s part of the irony and hypocrisy of this. That Whites are declared to be born racist sounds awfully like queers are born homosexual. The difference being that the Left and the Blacks have absolutely no issue with either persecuting Whites for it or with staging “interventions” and enacting “aversion therapies” to get rid of it or, at the very least, coerce Whites into being ashamed of it. Being born that way seems to only be an excuse accepted by certain sorts for certain things, not all, and things done to someone to “correct” their inborn flaws seem to be wrong only some of the time.

He Said, She Said

Posted in 2016 Election, Politics on October 7th, 2016

He Said, She Said
He Said, She Said

Apparently, some 20 years ago Donald Trump, then the brand new owner of the Miss Universe Pageant, “fat shamed” the then current Miss Universe, Alicia Machado by calling her “Miss Piggy” and “Miss Housekeeping.” He also supposedly “publicly humiliated” her for gaining a large amount of weight after winning the pageant by inviting reporters to watch her work out at the gym. Trump even described Machado as “somebody who liked to eat.” Apparently, this also seems to matter in the election circus or, at least, Hillary and her proxies want to make it so.

I don’t honestly know whether to laugh or to weep. Comparing the things that Mr. Trump said decades ago to the various lies and insults Hillary has committed throughout those same years, e.g., her recent calling of a huge swath of Americans “a basket of deplorables” is taking false equivalency and relevance into the bizarre realm of argumentum ad absurdum.

Really! In the arena of He Said, She Said, Hillary wouldn’t be the one to come out on top as the victor…not if her followers actually cared about more than her having a cunt.

Media Fact-Checking

Posted in 2016 Election, Politics on October 4th, 2016

Yes, it’s true; fact-checking the statements of politicians and political candidates is important. Yet, a horrid issue has arisen in that the organizations and people entrusted by the masses with such fact-checking, the MSM, is grossly lacking in the integrity to properly do so. Media fact-checking is generally considered to be so biased as to be worthless as a source of checking actual facts.

Media Fact-Checking
Media Fact-Checking Today

The only good thing is that the American people have, by and large, figured out the Lamestream Media is biased in all facets of their presentation of events, including fact-checking. Hellfire! They’re open and unapologetic about it these days.

It’s a proven fact that the majority voters know that the media plays favorites when it comes to fact-checking candidates’ statements. It’s also understood that the media today is little more than a propaganda service for the Democrat party. Indeed a recent polls shows that just 29% of all likely US voters have any trust the media’s fact-checking of candidates’ comments. 62% believe instead that media skew the facts to help candidates they support.

This well-thought distrust of the impartiality isn’t evenly distributed though. 88% of of voters who are likely to vote for Donald Trump in the presidential race believe news organizations skew the facts as do a majority of both Gary Johnson’s (Libertarian) and Jill Stein’s (Green) supporters, whereas fully 59% of Clinton’s followers trust the media fact-checking.

In actuality though, this intellectual or deontological “dimorphism” or disparity is expected and well-understood. Clinton’s followers are hearing being told what they want to hear and already believe. Hence, a variety of confirmation bias goes into effect, causing them to trust and believe what the Lamestream media tells them. At the same time, the media’s fact-checkers – the majority of whom are somewhere on the Liberal / Progressive arc – suffer from a form of observer bias which taints their findings in favor of the candidate(s) – normally Democrats – they support.

As evidence of this effect I refer you to the past, when those on the left very much did not trust much of what the media told them, fact-checking or otherwise, that was not against Operation Desert Shield and later Desert Storm. When the media wasn’t reinforcing the Liberals’ and Progressives’ beliefs they distrusted them and what they reported.

And, my Fellow Americans, I believe that this will just get worse, especially if Clinton is allowed to secure the Presidency. The news media is a for-profit operation. It’s beholden to its viewership to secure the ratings it needs to get the highest bids for its commercial spots. As more Americans tune out the Lamestream media the outlets will swing even further into the Left’s pockets in order to keep enough viewers to stay afloat.

Sunday Dinner

Posted in Food & Drink, Society on October 2nd, 2016
Sunday Dinner – Make It Great Again

Yes! The majority of Americans want to see our nation reborn and renewed and restored. We want to America great again. And, while there’s a plethora of opinions upon what exactly this restored greatness would look like, few disagree with the fact that, if America is to be made great again, then American culture and values must be restored to their previous importance and prominence.

Well, it’s not just charity that begins at home, it’s proper action and righteousness as well. In other words, we need to clean our own houses first and pull the logs out of our own eyes before we can expect to enact real change upon society as a whole. A good place to start would be with the Sunday dinner – or supper if you prefer.

The Sunday dinner used to be ubiquitous in American culture. While based upon the Sabbath, even irreligious families would come together once a week to sit down to a big meal and just be together. Often extended family members or family friends without family of their own nearby would join in the fun. No matter what though, parents and kids sat down for one family meal every week.

We really need to restore this tradition. It’ll go a long way towards making America great again because at the heart of it American greatness is, was, and shall be based upon the greatness of the American family.