Archive for October, 2016

The Race Is Heating Up

Posted in 2016 Election on October 17th, 2016

The race for the White House is heating up and not in a good way. The filthy animals who support Hillary Clinton just firebombed the North Carolina Republican Party headquarters in Hillsborough, NC.

Firebombing of GP HQ in NC
Dems’ Firebombing Of NC GOP HQ

Hillsborough, NC police reported individuals threw a bottle of flammable liquid through the window of Orange County’s GOP headquarters, setting campaign signs, supplies, and furniture ablaze before finally burning itself out after rendering the building unusable.

Get out or burn to death!Democrat Terror Threat

The terrorists also spray painted a swastika and the threat, “Nazi Republicans get out of town or else” on the side of an adjacent building, turning a heinous but simple act of petulance and vandalism into a credible threat of terrorist attacks against Republicans and presumed Republicans aka Whites in the area.

Unsurprisingly, there has been no comment on the attack by Obama or anyone else in the White House and, while the ATF is working with local police to investigate it, there is no indication that the Obama Regime will class it as a terrorist act.

A Weaponized Kitchen

Posted in Society on October 16th, 2016

Weaponized Kitchen
A Weaponized Kitchen

In these troubled and troubling times it essential to provide a safe and defended environment at home. Hence, most rooms in your home need to weaponized. Some, like the kitchen, adapt to such weaponization better than others. 😛

Nicki’s Offending People

Posted in Society on October 13th, 2016

Nicki's Offending People ... Again
Nicki’s Offending People … Again

Singer / Rapper Nicki Minaj – whom my anaconda would most definitely like – is offending people again. This time it’s some of the shots from her upcoming November spread in Marie Claire magazine.

From the teaser excerpts of her interview, I’d say that this time it won’t be anything that she said that offends the “Black Community,” SJWs, and a broad swath of the “Intersectional Feminists.” Ms. Minaj seems to have largely said all the right things and only made statements that might offend people lacking in protected traits. No, it’s going to be the photos of her naked or near-naked with a White Man that’s going to offend the ever-delicate sensibilities of many.

One apparently has to remember that the “Black Community,” SJWs, and “Intersectional Feminists” have their own Jim Crow laws and their own definition of miscegenation. While they approve of Black males with White women, they are dead-set against White men with Black women. Hence, they’re going to be offended by Nicki Minaj’s Marie Claire photos.

Monsters In The Closet

Posted in 2016 Election on October 13th, 2016

Monsters In The ClosetMonsters In The Closet

It true. Even in America we still shudder at the thought of monsters in the closet. Of course, with the way the 2016 elections are shaping up, we’ve a reason to do so. Look above at what the American people have to deal with – anencephalic beasts shuffling around and moaning “#NeverTrump.”

It’s pretty damn scary too since these brainless creatures, wallowing in the filth of their own childish selfishness, are putting America’s future at risk solely to feed their own monstrous urges.

Hillary’s Foreign Policy

Posted in 2016 Election, Politics on October 10th, 2016

Hillary's Foreign Policy - Same old thinking, same poor resultsHillary’s Foreign Policy

Hillary, her proxies, and her followers like to attack Donald Trump on foreign policy, yet Hillary’s foreign policy was, is, and likely will be nothing more than a continuation of the same old thinking that the establishment has engaged in for the last seven decades. It has and will garner the US nothing but it has garnered us so far, which is little to nothing that pleases the American people.

Honestly, Hillary is trying to sell the American people an insane idea – the idea that we can keep doing the same old things and get a different result. Note that I say that Hillary is trying to sell that madness as wisdom, not that she believes it. A lot of people who own or lease parts of Hillary are heavily invested in maintaining the current status quo when it comes to US foreign policy. After all, they have, do, and would continue to directly benefit from the same old results.