Archive for September, 2015

Palliative At Best

Posted in 2016 Election, Politics, Society on September 15th, 2015

I’m really not sure how many, measured in numbers or by percent of the population, Americans really believe that the ending of the Obama Regime will solve our nation’s problems. Frankly, I don’t want to know because it’d probably depress me too much.

Obama's a symptom or opportunistic parasite, not the underlying disease
Removing Obama Is Palliative At Best

The end of Obama is nothing more than palliative care for our sick nation. The boy can be described as either a symptom or an opportunist parasite infecting our weakened country. He’s not the underlying disease. At most he’s a secondary infection.

No. The disease plaguing America is a moral and cultural cancer. It’s tumors are the Liberals and Progressives whose oikophobia and moral turpitude have caused them to attack the basic cultural mores and norms of America. And, given that this cancer has metastasized, any treatment for America with a decent chance of success is going to be a harsh one akin to aggressive chemotherapy and radiation treatment combined with excising of diseased and dead tissues.

Some Needed Perspective

Posted in Politics on September 13th, 2015

As horrific and devastating to the collective American consciousness as the Muslim Terrorist attacks of 9/11/01 were, we as a people would benefit from some needed perspective.

911 v Iran Nuke Deal - Some Needed Perspective911 v Iran Nuke Deal – Some Needed Perspective

Those attacks, while tragic and inhumanly vile, are but a blip in history when compared to what can and most likely will happen in the future thanks to Obama’s decision to negotiate for Iran to be able to develop nuclear weapons.

So yes, always remember what the Muslim vermin did on 9/11 but realize that you and children will one day probably think of it as the “good old days” unless we commit to dealing harshly with the Muslim threat both here and abroad.

A Simple Fact…

Posted in Politics, Religion, Society on September 13th, 2015

Muslim RightsMuslims’ View Of Minority Rights Follows A Mathematical Progression

This is a simple an incontrovertible fact – Muslims only care about “Minority Rights” when they are the minority in question and can profit from such things. As these vermin grow in numbers, power, and influence within their host nations’ bodies, they become more and more intolerant and intolerable until such time as they can take control of the nation and destroy all non-Muslims.

As in all case of disease control, it’s more effective to purge the disease and its carriers while their “load” is lower. America and the West should remember that.

Progressive Remembrance

Posted in Society on September 11th, 2015

The Liberals' and Progressives' view on remembering 9/11

Yes! This is exactly how America’s domestic enemies, the Liberals and Progressives, feel about remembering the tragedy of the Muslims’ terrorist attack of 9/11. Nor are they shy about sharing their anti-American views.

Of course, this shouldn’t be surprising. These sorts blamed America from the moment that it happened. Indeed, their first only thought wasn’t for our dead; it was fear for what might happen to our nation’s enemy.

So please remember two things: the tragedy our nation suffered at the hands of the Muslims; and the fact that these Liberals and Progressives and their kin are valid, high priority targets for retribution and reprisal.

The Lies Of Extremists

Posted in Politics, Religion, Society on September 10th, 2015

When it comes to intersection of the Church and the State in US Law we’re saddled with a lot of religious extremism and a lot of lies and/or misconceptions based upon that extremism.

Church& State Separation Lie
The Lies Of Extremists

Yes, we Americans have to sift through a lot of lies and/or misconceptions based upon religious extremism. The Godless and their plethora of anti-Christian, anti-American Liberal and Progressive enablers spew them incessantly whenever ant mention of religion functioning outside the confines of a church arises.

Put aside the false equivalency that is almost always presented – the image above is merely a tame, washed out example thereof – because reality cannot match and make true the comparison between any group in American history and the Muslims’ Taliban. Not even the much maligned KKK came close to the Taliban’s behavior. No, put that aside for now and pay attention to the underlying dogma of America’s domestic enemies.

The lie that the Godless and their Liberal and Progressives enablers promulgate is that any expression of religious belief and law that is informed by religious sentiment, belief, or morality is inherently theocratic, repressive, and tyrannical in natural. Hence, any such expression is the same as what the Taliban do. Their dogma and doctrine makes no distinct of degree; it’s a dualistic approach and it is a lie.