Archive for July, 2012

Honey Badger Don’t Care

Posted in Humor on July 17th, 2012

Honey Badger don’t care and, with the right equipment, you two can cast many of your concerns aside.

AAC Honey Badger
Honey Badger Don’t Care

That equipment would, of course, be the ACC Honey Badger recently debuted by Advanced Armament Corp (AAC).

Just knowing this is out there – yes! it’s real! – makes my cares lighter. πŸ˜€

Obama’s Campaign Pledge

Posted in 2012 Election, Humor on July 17th, 2012

Obama’s campaign pledge to take the high road and only endorse positive ads instead of those viciously attacking his American opposition went the same way as any promise made by this worthless grifter.

Obama Pledges Positive Ads
Obama Pledges Positive Ads

Of course, you can’t ever expect or ask for an apology from Obama. That’d be racist.

You have to understand the weight of history attached to Blacks being forced to apologize for their failures, criminality, and antisocial behaviors. πŸ˜‰

Fishing For Dinner

Posted in Humor, Politics on July 17th, 2012

I’ve discussed one of my favorite past-times, fishing, before. Still, it bears pointing out that different people fish differently from each other.

Fishing - The People v. The Government
Fishing – The People v. The Government

That’s the way of it. We, the People fish in the river to feed ourselves whereas the government casts it’s line into our fishing baskets.

Of course, since the government maintains it power through either the tacit or explicit threat of force, what they do is closer to a canned hunt than fishing. Perhaps that sad fact is even the origin of the phrase, “Shooting fish in a barrel.” πŸ˜‰

Words Shouldn’t Be Empty

Posted in 2012 Election, Ethics & Morality, Politics on July 17th, 2012

A great and fine American lady, Gov. Sara Palin gave us these words, “Don’t retreat. Reload!”

With our country on a most perilous cusp, these are words for every true son and daughter of America to take to heart and soul and live by lest our domestic enemies choose the course for America’s future – or lack thereof as anything recognizable as being America.

Don't Retreat. Reload!
Don’t Retreat. Reload!

Banners and slogans are all right and good. They symbolize movements and crystallize thoughts while bringing people together under a single banner as a unified host who can enact change and exact retribution.

They can’t, however, be merely and solely that if those fine words are to have meaning. Words shouldn’t be empty. They should be the symbol and label of true and repeated action.

So do not simply chant, β€œDon’t retreat. Reload!” Do it! Live it! Take our country back and do so in a manner that will mean that it’s generations before our enemies can regroup enough to be, once again, an existential threat to our way of life.


Keep your eyes open. Travel light but load heavy, and always put another round in the enemy after they’re down.

Obama’s Narrative

Posted in 2012 Election, Humor, Politics on July 16th, 2012

Obama’s all about narrative, which makes sense since storytelling is just about his only skill of note and he has no factual accomplishments to draw upon in his bid to keep to keep his job and thereby keep Queen Michelle in the lifestyle she has so quickly become accustomed to.

Obama - King of Shit
That Which I Say is Gold Is Gold And I Say I’m Golden

The biggest problem is that his narrative stinks, which also make sense since Obama’s narrative is limited to telling the American people that shit is actually gold.

Face it, the boy’s spent over three years wallowing in his own shit and screaming and flinging shit at anyone and everyone who complained about the smell and the mess. He’s the King of Shit indeed and, unlike the reeking drivel he spews, that’s no tall tale. πŸ˜†

Come November, 2012 it’s time for America to flush!