Archive for July, 2012

Who Pays My Debts?

Posted in 2012 Election, Politics on July 23rd, 2012

Obama doesn’t believe – or claims during his ongoing campaign that he doesn’t – that business create their businesses. Instead, the boy says that someone else did that.

That begs the question of who pays for a business’ failure. If someone else built that business, are they, or should they be, responsible for paying off its debts if and when it goes under?

If I fail, who pays my debts?
If I Fail, Who Pays My Debts?

The answer, of course, is that the business owner and only the business owner is responsible for paying his company’s debt in the event that his business fails. While, according to Obama, he is never responsible for its success, he is responsible for its failure.

In what passes for the Liberal mind, profits are to be socialized via confiscatory taxation but risks are to remain purely privatized. The collective mind demands accolades but spurns jeers, whether either come from individuals or the impersonal forces of the market.

Caveat: Size Matters

This all changes when the business is a very large corporation.In those rarefied, “too big to fail” instances, it will always be the tax payers that get saddled with the failed business’ debts. And, of course, the government will step in to determine just which creditors – their donors and supporters – actually get paid and which get told to shut up or face the consequences.

Show Me Yours!

Posted in 2012 Election on July 22nd, 2012

The hypocrisy of the petty, little piece of filth current befouling the White House knows no bounds. Obama and his proxies are still calling for Mitt Romney to release data about his taxes and his history with Bain Capital, all the while still refusing to release any data about Obama from his birth to the present day.

I'll Show You Mine If You Show Me Yours
I’ll Show You Mine If You Show Me Yours

A response such as above would be the most fitting thing by Romney and his staff, but he and they aren’t likely to do so. They don’t seem to be willing to lower themselves to Obama’s level.

Perhaps this is just a difference in the candidates’ strategies and basic characters. Or, alternatively, it may be because the Romney campaign does want to give Obama the hand-out of false equivalency. After all, nothing that Romney has refused to release caused the murder of both American and Mexican citizens, something that cannot be said for Obama.

Government Innovation

Posted in Politics, Technology on July 19th, 2012

America’s domestic enemies, in their cult-like devotion to big government, often harp on the supposed benefits of government innovation. To be fair, there once was a solid basis for this belief. The government used to provide a great service in aiding new technologies, products, and services reach the People and makes their lives better or easier.

That was a long time ago, for the most part, though. The steady, entropic march of “Progress” has degenerated government innovation in the same manner that it has degenerated all functions of the government.

Government Innovation
Progress: Government Innovation

Really! Think about it. The last real innovation of merit by the government was the basic foundational underpinnings of the Internet. Even then, all they developed was the means to create a wide area network. The Internet, as we know it, grew out of the efforts of the private sector.

All the government innovates in these sad, modern times is new and creative ways to funnel Americans’ tax-dollars into the bank accounts of the politicians’ cronies and donors.

I would say that this is sad, but it isn’t really sad at all. It’s an indication that America needs little in the way of innovation in order to secure its borders, its people, and its interests.

This is because the vast majority of real government innovations are funded, researched, and developed by our Defense needs. Even the Internet was a DARPA project originally and even the heyday of NASA was a paroxysm of nationalism and fears of losing space to the Soviets.

God Promised

Posted in Humor, Religion on July 18th, 2012

The God of the Abrahamic sects has a pretty bad reputation for being a stern and humorless diety.

God Promised Men good and obedient Wives
Yahweh Isn’t Always Stern And Humorless

As you can see though, He will have His little jokes. 😆

Removing A Tick

Posted in 2012 Election, Humor on July 17th, 2012

As most Americans know, the best way to avoid vermin and parasites is good hygiene, both in one’s person and one’s habitat. Sometimes, however, through either consorting with the unhygienic or traveling through wild regions, one can still end up infested. Hence, it’s best to know the proper procedure for removing parasites such as ticks.

How To Remove A Blood-sucking Tick

Of course, if the normal removal means fail, it may then be necessary to apply fire to the blood-suckers in order to be rid of them. 😉

Sadly, that’s messy, occasionally painful, and runs the risk of the vermin vomiting toxins into their hosts in the course of their death throws. As such, fire or other extreme means of removal must be first carefully considered.