Archive for April, 2011

It Shouldn’t Matter Now

Posted in Politics on April 15th, 2011

Some creatures you just half to laugh at even when they have the power and will to be dangerous. The ineffable Nancy Pelosi is most definitely one of these things.

It’s actually fun watching her twist in the wind and whine, as only the frustrati among America’s domestic enemies can whine, now that America has arisen from it’s Liberal fever dream and has begun the arduous process of retaking our nation and restoring it to its proper form and glory.

It’s certainly singing, or at least baying, a different and more mournful tune now

When America’s enemies held sway in both houses of Congress and the White House it was strident marches of “elections have consequences.” Now that the Tea Party Patriots have sent their representative to correct the House of Representatives and Obama’s hold on the White House is in doubt it’s bawling a plaintive lament that “elections shouldn’t matter so much.”

To my Republican friends: take back your party. So that it doesn’t matter so much who wins the election, because we have shared values about the education of our children, the growth of our economy, how we defend our country, our security and civil liberties, how we respect our seniors.

That’s a Liberal for you; when they have taken power, they try to rule and disregard the will of everyone else, but when they’ve been ousted, they cry for compromise and “shared values.”

Pelosi presents an odd problem. It’s too stupid and evil to be allowed to live and too pathetic and comical to exterminate.

Its behavior does make sense though. It has seen the American people rise up and place our representatives in political office and has nothing left to it but to beg for establishment GOP, mostly RINOs and special interest shills, to do as the Democrats had done and “take back” their party from we, the People.


Keep your eyes open. Travel light but load heavy, and always put another round in the enemy after they’re down. ;-)

Fashion Victims

Posted in Society on April 14th, 2011

I’ve made a number of posts in the past about the fashion industry that ridiculed and lampooned their twisted ideas of female beauty. It is important to remember though that, while sarcasm and ridicule can be effective weapons, there are real victims of the of the fashion industry’s twisted, misogynist evil.

Should There Not Be A Harsh Reckoning?

The fashion industry, along with its co-conspirators in the weight loss industry, are the ones that have for decades promulgated an impossible beauty ideal and profited immensely off the resulting psychological damage caused to whole generations of women.

Young women like the ones in the images above are the true fashion victims and, while they need help and support more than anything else, their plight cries out for retributive justice.

Stripping these creatures running the fashion industry and dousing them with cocktail of DMSO, dichloromethane, phosphatidylcholine, and sodium deoxycholate sounds like a perfectly fitting punishment since it would destroy their skin, literally melt away their subcutaneous fat, cause extensive liver damage (Acute Hepatitis), and cause ocular nerve degeneration (Optic Neuropathy).

NOTE: DMSO and dichloromethane are each commonly available solvents. Phosphatidylcholine and sodium deoxycholate come pre-combined as a “fat melting injection,” Lipostabil.

It’d be something like a time lapse of anorexia with a few added “bonuses” that would make them better visual warning against others engaging in their behavior. The general loss of dexterity and ocular damage would also prevent them from doing further harm.

Sadly, not only would this form of retribution be illegal, it would be very difficult to carry out. As so often is the case in this sad and degenerate world, justice must bow down before pragmatism.

CNN Business Model

Posted in Society on April 13th, 2011

CNN, along with the rest of the Mainstream Media (MSM) have little value and are more interested profiting off of death, destruction, and misery than aiding the world in any fashion whatsoever.

CNN Business Model
Stay Back! Don’t Ruin The Shot! People Have A Right To Know!

As these creatures profit from all forms of human misery and have repeatedly shown that when there is not enough of it to pad to their wallets they will actively strive to create that misery by willfully escalating conflicts they have become a force for abject Evil.

I truly do not believe that any man or woman who actively or tacitly supports them in any way, even by the merely failing to strike against them when and as possible, can expect anything other than disapprobation and/or damnation from their God(s).

This is especially true when the solution to the problem of these disgusting scavengers is two-fold yet simple in execution:

  1. No government, military, or aid agency should allow the operatives of CNN or any other media outlet access to any situation or theater where people are endangered in any manner until after all needed efforts have been completed. If these filth complain, they should be given one warning. If they ignore this warning or complain a second time, their entire field team should be executed on the spot.
  2. No person should ever lend any form of aid or comfort to these media vultures. They should never be provided with food, shelter, transport, or information of any sort. If and when the vermin complain, their equipment should be taken from them or destroyed and they should be driven off, using whatever level of force is required to accomplish this.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men and women do nothing and the God(s) will surely judge each of us by our both are actions and when we chose not to act.

Taxing Corporations Away

Posted in Politics on April 12th, 2011

Galt's Gulch EmblemThere’s more than a little rancor over the fact that many large corporations don’t pay what is seen as their “fair share” in taxes to the government.

This fallacy is being promulgated by America’s domestic enemies, the Liberals, their minority tenants, and their pet “lamestream” media.

This tactic of fostering class warfare works well upon the weak-minded eaters.

Of course these looters won’t tell the eaters or anyone else that America taxes its corporations at a punitively high rate in an effort to fund the various Liberal-sponsored, demanded, and installed entitlement programs that have gone a long way towards beggaring our nation.

2010 Combined Federal-State Corporate Tax Rates in OECD Nations

Nation 2010 Tax Rate Rank
Japan 39.54% 1
United States 39.21% 2
France 34.43% 3
Belgium 33.99% 4
Germany 30.18% 5
Australia 30.00% 6
Mexico 30.00% 7
New Zealand 30.00% 8
Spain 30.00% 9
Canada 29.52% 10
Luxembourg 28.59% 11
Norway 28.00% 12
United Kingdom 28.00% 13
Italy 27.50% 14
Portugal 26.50% 15
Sweden 26.30% 16
Finland 26.00% 17
Netherlands 25.50% 18
Austria 25.00% 19
Denmark 25.00% 20
Korea 24.20% 21
Greece 24.00% 22
Switzerland 21.17% 23
Turkey 20.00% 24
Czech Republic 19.00% 25
Hungary 19.00% 26
Poland 19.00% 27
Slovak Republic 19.00% 28
Iceland 15.00% 29
Ireland 12.50% 30
OECD Average 26.20%

The United States’ top combined federal and state tax burden on corporations was the 2nd highest in the world in 2010 and 33.7% above the average (26.20%) for developed nations according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

Money is much like water; it will flow best with less restrictions. As things stand now it is flowing from America to foreign nations’ coffers largely, though not entirely, because corporations will not willingly invest in profit garnering enterprises in America under the current tax burden.

In this global economy what happens is that the larger corporations, mostly being trans-national, move their profit centers to other, less repressive nations and leave their cost centers such as research and development in America. This means that the bulk of the jobs, especially the middle-class jobs, end up in other countries.

If people want employment in America to improve then we need to encourage corporations to develop operations in America instead of taxing corporations away to foreign lands.  If people want to destroy America’s economy then we can just continue on with the looters’ and eaters’ “Eat The Rich” pogrom.

Cry Me A River

Posted in Politics on April 11th, 2011

Poor little Obama; he’s not quite as happy being the – titular in his case – leader of the Free World as he seems to have thought he’d be.

“I just miss — I miss being anonymous,” he said at the meeting in the White House State Dining Room. “I miss Saturday morning, rolling out of bed, not shaving, getting into my car with my girls, driving to the supermarket, squeezing the fruit, getting my car washed, taking walks. I can’t take a walk.”

He says he enjoys golf but is not the fanatic that some have portrayed him to be because of the frequency of his golf outings.

“It’s the only excuse I have to get outside for four hours at a stretch,” he told the Hearst executives.

His impossible dream: “I just want to go through Central Park (in New York) and watch folks passing by…Spend the whole day watching people. I miss that.”

— President Barack Obama

Cry me a river, boy – then throw yourself into it, which would serve more purpose and a greater good than these pathetic attempts at garnering populist sympathy.