Vintage Japanese Prison Porn

I love and laugh at this, though I’m fully cognizant of how few people will understand why I find this funny, or why in the world I titled it “Vintage Japanese Prison Porn.”
So, let me explicate…
Why Vintage Japanese Prison Porn
- The art style is a fusion of Western Cartoon and Japanese Ukiyo-e, which also influenced Western art;
- She’s obviously a high-ranking Yakuza, probably an oyabun, given her level of tattooing;
- The origin of Yakuzas’ tattooing is from 17th-19th Centuries Japanese practice of irezumi kei (tattoo penalty), where criminals were tattooed as part of their punishment;
- She’s tied up Shibari or Kinabku style – you pendants can argue about which term is right – which was derived from Hojōjutsu, a method of restraining, torturing, and displaying prisoners in feudal Japan.
So, there you have it – why my humor and snark was engaged by this image and why I’ve titled it here as “Vintage Japanese Prison Porn.” 😉
Tags: Art | Babes | Cartoons | History | Humor | Japan | Kinbaku | Porn | Prison | Shibari | Tattoos | ukiyo-e | Yakuza