Mueller’s Witches
Yes, Mueller’s ever ongoing witch hunt against President Trump, his family, and any and all associated with Americans’ president has managed to find a couple of “witches,” Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort. Of course, like so many other witch hunts throughout history, Cohen and Manafort are only witches because the crowd, in this case the Lamestream Media, claims that they are such.
There is still no evidence, or even any real suggestion, that there was any “collusion” between Trump and “The Russians” to affect the outcome of the 2016 elections. None! Nor will there ever be any real evidence of that because this witch hunt is born of hatred for the President, delusions of his vanquished opponent, and certain sort’s strongly held belief that Trump was not supposed to win.
Tags: 2016 Elections | America | Cohen | Fake News | Lamestream Media | Manafort | Mueller | Politics | Trump | Witch Hunt