Ghetto Stick Family
“Stick Family” stickers are as varied and as annoying as the plethora of “My child is a…” bumper stickers which celebrate mediocrity by pandering to the less-than-special people’s need to be accorded some measure of being special. And, again similarly to the “My child is a…” bumper stickers, the parodies of the “Stick Family” meme are normally better than the meme itself.
Ghetto Stick Family
This “Stick Family” sticker set is the perfect example of such a parody of the “family” of a core Democrat constituent. The only “issue” is that the sticker is, statistically speaking, the wrong color.
Of course, this sticker was doomed to be declared offensive a racist by those whose agenda requires such claims. If it was more accurate by using “Brown” figures, it’d be racist. Yet, it’s use of white stick figures to represent the ghetto baby mama with her horde of bastards and multiple imprisoned baby daddies “Stick Family” is equally racist due to Cultural Appropriation. 😛
Tags: America | Baby Mamas | Blacks | Cultural Appropriation | Democrats | Family | Family Values | Ghetto Thugs | Humor | Politics | Racism | Society