Refusing Service
In the wake of various state legislators and courts legalizing the marriage of queers there’s been a steady trickle of legal battles and Liberal outrage over various Christian business owners refusing service to queer couples. In all of these instances the Christians in question have ended up on the losing end of the battles.
Bob Refuses To Do Business With Klan Couple
The “funny” things that both legal proceedings and outrage only apply to certain groups people who refuse service certain other groups of people. In other cases nobody will foot the bill to take it to court and neither the lamestream media or anyone will really care except to, possibly, make some jokes about it.
Of course, this makes perfects sense since neither “Civil Rights” nor “Social Justice” was ever meant to be beneficially applied to members of the normative American culture, i.e., White, Christian, heterosexuals.
Tags: America | Blacks | Civil Rights | KKK | LGBT | Marriage | Prejudice | Queers | Social Justice | Society