Faggots For Hamas
Yes, the faggots – and the rest of the LGBTQ+ idiots – are that stupid and deranged. There’s a huge intersectionality between the filth protesting and rioting in support of Hamas and the queers. That’s right the majority of the same people who cry out that Americans are committing genocide upon them because we’re against explicit queer porn in elementary school libraries, sexual performers entertaining our children, and the mutilation of children who are too young to truly understand what they want, are avid – indeed, rabid – supporters of Hamas, who would literally kill them all because they’re queers.
But hey! If this is the hill they want to die on, I say more power to them. 😉
Tags: America | Faggots | Gaza | Genocide | Hamas | Insanity | LGBT | LGBTQ | Palestine | Palestinians | Politics | Queers | Society | Stupidity | Suicide