Creative Cartography

For ages cartographers have tried to describe our world with maps. They’ve tried a variety of projections in or to do so: the Albers Equal-Area, the Azimuthal Equidistant, the Bonne, the Mendeleev-Conic, and the ubiquitous Mercator projections to name but a few.

Some times though, when trying to map things more complex and fluid than geographic features, they have to resort to creative cartography in order to do so.

Cartography Proves The Middle-East Is The Ass End Of The World - No Wonder The Middle-East Is In Deep Shit
No Wonder The Middle-East Is In Deep Shit

I believe this should be called the Colorectal-Sinusoidal Projection. I also believe that cartographers have finally managed to illustrate the reason for so many of the world’s ills. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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