A Global Presidency

In a surprising move, but one that adheres to the ideology of Globalism and the “World Village,”  Congress has decided to outsource the American Presidency to India starting in March of 2011.

Congress Has Decided To Outsource the US Presidency
Congress Outsources The Presidency

According to Congress the move to outsource the office of POTUS is purely a business decision forced upon America by the current economic conditions.  It is being made in order to save the President’s $500k annual salary and the $750 billion in deficit expenditures and related overhead expenses Obama’s office has incurred in the last quarter.

Congress estimates that outsourcing the office of the President to India will realize a $7 trillion savings over the course of the remainder of the POTUS’ term.


A grateful H/T to Robomonkey for this gem to start of the new year.

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One Response to “A Global Presidency”

  1. Obama’s job will be outsourced to India. « plain view Says:

    […] Obama’s job will be outsourced to India. In Faith, Inspiration, Life, Politics, Religion, Thoughts on January 5, 2010 at 5:18 am The powers that be determined that they could get a whole bunch of people to fill the many roles of President for a cheaper price.  I read this article with my own eyes on Reflections from a Murky Pond. […]

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