Checked Privilege 8
The eighth of 46 point-by-point analyses of the “founder” of the concept of White Privilege, Peggy McIntosh’s claims of Whites having specific and special advantages solely because they’re White.
I can be sure that my children will be given curricular materials that testify to the existence of their race.
— Peggy McIntosh
White Privilege and Male Privilege (1988)
There’s no real basis for Ms. McIntosh’s claim of privilege, even if one were to ascribe to the idea that being able to be sure that one’s children will be given curricular materials that testify to the existence of their race is a privilege or even pertinent.
Children of all races are, and have been, given curricular materials that testify to the existence of their race whenever race was at all germane to the course of study at hand and there were members of their race involved in that course of study.
Now it is true that until very recently schools didn’t attempt to interject race into curricula where it was tangential at best to the course, so such testimonies to the existence of any particular race couldn’t be found in all curricula. It’s also true that the content of such testimonies might not be positive or uplifting in all cases either. Still, any parent can be assured that their children will be given curricular materials that testify to the existence of their race regularly in the course of their schooling.
Tags: America | Peggy McIntosh | Prejudice | Race | Race Baiting | Racial Activism | Racial Politics | Racism | Society | Sociology | White Privilege