Not Black, Purple
The ranting Liberals and the wailing and jabbering minorities who serve as their political sharecroppers are ever-eager to shout that any problem that Americans have with President Obama and his agenda is based solely or largely upon racism – a term that they cannot even properly define. These enemies of America are, of course, wrong in the vast majority of instances. Very little of the opposition to America’s First Black President is based upon the race he identifies as being part of.
The vast bulk of the opposition to President Obama is that the majority of Americans – including a growing number of those duped into voting for him and now suffering well-deserved “buyer’s remorse” – is actually an opposition to his Leftist agenda that places the needs of his supporters, the labor union thugs, over those of Americans.
In a very sense it’s not that President Obama is Black; it’s that he’s Purple, SEIU Purple.
Obama: SEIU’s Agenda Is My Agenda
The Liberals and their minority tenants, with active and overt collusion of much of the MSM, elected an operative and organizer for SEIU and ACORN to the office of POTUS, and that’s exactly what was inflicted upon America – a hate-filled, filthy organizer for SEIU and ACORN, who has put their pernicious, destructive, anti-American, and vile agenda above the needs of the entire nation that he has been granted titular leadership of.
Obama: We Are Going To Paint The Nation Purple With SEIU
Yes, Americans are angered by President Obama’s union-driven attempt at a second Reconstruction of the United States. Since Americans would be equally outraged if a White POTUS did this, they’re not racists; they’re patriots seeking a way to end a threat to their nation.
Keep your eyes open. Travel light but load heavy, and always put another round in the enemy after they’re down. 😉
Tags: ACORN | America | Blacks | Chicago | Civil War | Labor Unions | Liberals | Obama | Politics | Racism | SEIU
January 19th, 2010 at 3:16 pm
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