Let's Go Brandon!

Let’s Go Brandon!

Somewhere, at least one of our domestic enemies is seeing this delightful piece of photoshopped imagery and suffering from acute apoplexy and hypertension. Well, maybe; Reflections From A Murky Pond isn’t allowed much reach. Contrariwise, those Americans who manage to find this are probably going to be chortling and sniggering when they see this, which is more my focus than jabbing at the Leftists inside our nation’s borders.

And, let’s all face it; “Let’s Go Brandon!” is both the perfect jibe ate the Lamestream Media’s stupidity and mendacity and a more pilot way of voicing our patriotism than what the phrase is standing in for.

But, this whole thing does remind me more than a bit of the 17th episode of Disney’s Recess, “The Story of Whomps,” in which T.J. is arrested and has to go to court for using a “stand-in word” in place of a profanity. Yeah, art may mimic life, but it seems that children’s cartoons now predict reality. 🙄

But then, these are the times we live in, and the installation of Biden as POTUS is strong evidence that children’s cartoons are now fitting oracles.

Let’s Go Brandon!

But hey! Sing it loud! Raise Up A Joyous Noise Unto The Heavens. Let all beneath the Firmament know just how we feel about Creepy Sleepy Uncle Joe and what his handlers are doing to our nation.

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