Creative Spam

Spamalot Spam, it’s a fact of life in this digitally connected age. All of us online – in just about any fashion – have to deal with it. It’s in our email and even in our cellphones these days and, if we run blogs, it’s in our comments.

While most of the spam in email and text messages is “mass mailings”  or a phishing / malware attacks, that in our blog comments is normally an attempt at “Black Hat SEO.”

Blog comment spam has gotten a lot more sophisticated recently, with spammers crafting the “comments” to fit keywords on blogs in order to make them actually look relevant and less “spammy.” This has led to some funny results such as the spam comment shown below.

Howdy, i read your blog occasionally and i personal a similar one and i was just wondering should you get a lot of spam comments? If so how do you prevent it, any plugin or anything you can advise? I get so much recently it’s driving me mad so any assistance is very much appreciated.

The irony and/or sarcasm and sheer chutzpah of this particular piece of blog spam was so funny to me that, when I checked my spam filter for false-positives, I almost approved the comment out of appreciation for the laughs it gave me – almost.

XKCD - Constructive - And what about all the people who won't be able to join the community because they're terrible at making helpful and constructive co-- ... oh.
Unexpected Consequences Of Spammer Sophistication Are Possible

I wonder if things will inadvertently come to what XKCD jokes about. Could improved spambot AI’s actually supplant human comments? 😉

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2 Responses to “Creative Spam”

  1. Personal Failure Says:

    Frankly, I’m beginning to wonder if the vast majority of blogs aren’t Turing Tests that got out of hand.

  2. jonolan Says:

    Certainly a lot of the comments seem to be, and most of them link to blogs that fit that description as well so I think you might be onto something.

    Hmmm…Will SkyNet be based upon selling Canadian Viagra instead the Military-Industrial complex?

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