Beck On The Liberalexicon
I’m not really a fan of Glenn Beck and never was one. But, right is right and the truth is always the truth. And, Mr. Beck’s statement about how the Left within our nation’s borders twists and mangles our language in order to further their agenda and to villainize our people, our culture, and our nation. The definitions within the Liberalexicon are ever-changing, born upon the chaotic, angry winds of the Left’s failures.
Whenever anything on the Left doesn’t like an outcome it simply misdefines terms in order to change the argument and to place blame where it wants it to be. The Left and their hangers-on truly believe that words mean whatever they want them to mean.
Tags: America | Democrats | Glenn Beck | Humpty Dumpty | Language & Idiom | Leftists | Liberalexicon | Liberals | Politics | Progressives | Society | Truth