Archive for November, 2020

Black Friday 2020

Posted in Society on November 27th, 2020

Making Black Friday Great

This year, set aside the insane pursuit of material goods – and avoid the lines, COVID-19 crap, and risk to life and limb, and make Black Friday great in the oldest and truest manner. 😉

It’s the right thing to do! It’s a great thing to do! Make Black Friday Great! And, Ladies, this applies to you as well if you want it to.

Thanksgiving 2020

Posted in Politics, Society on November 26th, 2020
Thanksgiving 2020 - It's Not All Turkey And Fellowship
Thanksgiving 2020 – It’s Not All Turkey And Fellowship

Like every Thanksgiving – really, every single day – we Americans – and the Democrats and Likely Democrat demographics living within our nation’s borders – have a great deal to be thankful for. This is 2020 however, and that means that it’s a far cry from perfect or lacking in reasons for rancor.

One has to wonder just how many families in Democrat-controlled regions will have to police called on them and face criminal charges for having an extended family dinner this Holiday. One also has to at the same time wonder how many innocents will be put at risk or actually harmed through Democrat-sponsored actions to #DefundThePolice.

So, be thankful for what you have; enjoy the feast and fellowship; but be aware and be safe.

Did You Know?

Posted in 2020 Elections, Politics on November 26th, 2020

Did You Know Any Of This?

Did you know that President Trump did all these things – among many other fine and great acts – during his four years in office?

Most likely, unless you’re a serious political wonk with either too much time on your hands or a material need to hunt down such things, you don’t. It’s not like the Democrats’ Lamestream Media ever reported any positive thing that President Trump has done. Doing so wasn’t their job since it didn’t fit the chosen narrative or the Democrats’ most-likely successful pogrom to remove our POTUS from office.

Well now, too late in all likelihood for a positive and peaceful resolution, you know. What you do with that knowledge is a matter for your own conscience.

The Biden Vaccine

Posted in 2020 Elections, Politics on November 24th, 2020
The Biden Vaccine
The Biden Vaccine

Here’s one positive thing. You can stop or reduce your worrying over the coronavirus. COVID-19 is on its way out thanks to the Biden Vaccine. The Democrats likely-beyond-reasonable-doubt installation of Joe Biden as the next POTUS is the vaccine that will destroy The ‘Rona.

By that, I don’t mean any “real” vaccine. I mean that, with the incoming Biden-Harris regime, the Lamestream Media will largely back off on sowing undue fear about COVID-19 and lambasting the Executive over any responses made or not made. They’ll do their “best” to “normalize” the fear levels while protecting Biden and Harris.

The Media Is The Virus
The Media Is The Virus

It makes perfect sense once you realize that the media is the virus. The media is the real disease causing so much pain and strife across our nation. Once that truth is understood, it makes sense that, having achieved their and their masters’ goals of installing Biden as the titular POTUS, the symptoms they caused will fade out.

Fade out, not go away!

That the media’s propagation of the “Panicdemic” will fade out doesn’t mean that it will fade away. No; the coronavirus will still be here. It’s just that the Lamestream media will normalize that while keeping just enough fear alive to enable them to castigate any and all who rebel against various and sundry Democrat politicians’ “reasonable” restrictions upon Americans’ Rights of Speech, Assembly, Religion, and Association.

Essentially, think of all Americans as “Long Haulers.”

Autumnal Fire

Posted in Society on November 23rd, 2020

Autumnal Fire Will Keep You Warm … Or Hot And Bothered
(Click to enlarge)

Autumn is upon us, and with it comes colder weather and, in many areas, a fair bit of uncomfortably cold rain. But be of stout heart and open mind. There are plenty of redheads out there and their fire will keep you warm … or hot and bothered by either their intrinsically erotic beauty or the madness that is seemingly endemic among them. 😉

‘Tis True! Gingers Heat The Blood

Yeah! There’s a reason why ginger is a spice associated – in the West at least – with fall and winter. Ginger heats the blood and makes us stronger so as to be able to withstand the cold months more readily.