Archive for October, 2020

All Those “Silly” Fears

Posted in Society on October 24th, 2020
Klugman - Dangerous Idiot
Finally admits he was dead wrong on globalism

Paul Klugman, Nobel laureate economist, and deeply entrenched and enriched pundit has always been an arrogant git who loved to lambast and excoriate any critics of globalism – what his school of economics called “Global Capitalism” – as fools and their fears as silly. His position, defended from on high, was that we should not worry about it. He said that unrestricted trade will have, at the very most, only a very minor negative impact on our people’s prosperity and posterity.

Well, that was then and this is now. Klugman has finally admitted that the large number of people whom he thought didn’t understand macroeconomics very well and who were silly were right and he and his fellow Globalist Keynesians were utterly and totally wrong.

To make a long and convoluted story short and – possibly overly – simple: Despite vast numbers of people warning otherwise, Klugman and his fellow travelers both fervently believed that manufacturing moving to Third World nations, e.g., China, would perforce raise wages in those countries, thereby raising the costs of the manufactured goods close enough to those domestically produced so as not to upheave the market greatly. They also grossly underestimated how much and how often corporations would take advantage of both the amazingly low-cost labor pools and tax benefits of such off-shored manufacturing.

In other words, Klugman and Co. arrogantly derided those people who warned them of what globalism would cause and they were completely wrong in doing so. Those “silly” fears turned out to be not so silly after all.

Bikini Interlude 46

Posted in Society on October 22nd, 2020

Bikini Interlude – A Sansakini Edition

OK! We all love bikinis, especially the minimalist ones, but sometimes you just need to go without. 😉 Hence, this sans-a-kini bikini interlude.

For The Little Guy

Posted in 2020 Elections, Politics on October 22nd, 2020
Biden's For The Little Guy ... Not!
Biden’s For The Little Guy … Not!

The Biden-Harris campaign wants voters to buy into the fiction that they’re for the little guy and not for Big Business, despite their campaign being funded and supported by Hollywood, Big Tech, and a plethora of really big money donors. But then, that’s the standard Democrat campaign model, i.e., the standard, oft-repeated lie that they try to sell the voters in every single election.

No! The one who is rather ironically the candidate “for the little guy” is the billionaire, President Donald Trump. His policies have been largely targeted at improving their lot in life, and have shown more than a little success. Of course, that is either unreported, misreported, or called racist, populist, and/or nationalist by both the Dems and their media shills.

To further that irony to levels of absurdity that can only be reached in American politics, this all simply means that Biden is a normal, professional, establishment politician – Democrat or Republican – and President Trump is the statistical outlier who represents “Hope and Change!” 😆

Words vs. Meaning

Posted in Politics, Society on October 19th, 2020
Words vs. Meaning
Words vs. Meaning

Despite the Left’s and their minority sharecroppers’ belief that they can blithely Humpty Dumpty any all words and phrases, they are still bound by the objective meanings based upon context.

So, when they chant and rant about “justice,” in the context of police officers dealing with Black criminals, what the meaning is is that they want the police officers to be killed. They want the police to be eradicated. Some of them don’t even couch it in soft terms anymore.

#BLM = Burn, Loot, Murder
#BLM = Burn, Loot, Murder

Then, #BlackLivesMatter – now often TLA’d to #BLM has always been steeped in- and all about violence, specifically rioting, burning, looting, and murdering Whites in general and law enforcement officers in particular. They’ve always used a small number of peaceful protestors as shields, both physical and propaganda, for the feral violence that underscores their every action.

Democrats' Plan for 2020 & Beyond - #VoteByRiot
Democrats’ Plan for 2020 & Beyond – #VoteByRiot

This, of course, greatly pleases the Democrats. While it’s fallacious to claim that they engineered the rioting and insurrection of #BlackLivesMatter and #Antifa cells, they’ve pandered to- and enabled its perpetrators and profiteered off of it at a chance they could get or manufacture.

What the Dems are doing is encouraging their constituencies to #VoteByRiot and/or the threat thereof. It’s an old-school, realpolitik technique for revolution and societal destruction called Propaganda of the Deed (Propagande par le Fait), though the Dems, by and large, are doing this by proxy instead of by direct example on their part.

James Hodgkinson’s 2017 attempted mass assassination of Congressional Republicans and the Dems’ response to it is a perfect example of this. The ongoing race riots are more of the same.

But I’m sure that the Dems would use different words to describe their actions. They can’t, however, change the meaning of what they’re doing no matter what words they misuse to do so.

College Economics 1001

Posted in Politics, Society on October 19th, 2020
College Economics 1001
College Economics 1001

This about sums up the rank and malodorous hypocrisy of Freshman Economics as it is now taught in the reeking cesspits of Leftism that are the vast majority of what are called colleges and universities in America.

Then, this is what had to happen since we allowed these institutions to degenerate to the point that they effectively and tacitly, though rarely overtly, run all professorial candidates and all course syllabi through their departments of Intersectionality, Gender, and Racial Justice for preapproval.