Archive for August, 2012

Understanding Obama

Posted in Humor, Politics on August 9th, 2012

A vast majority of Americans find understanding Obama, especially his domestic economic policies overwhelmingly difficult to do. The boy’s attempts at engineering the America economy just don’t make any sense to most Americans.

Understanding Obama
It’s Not Really That Hard To Understand Obama

All it really takes though is to put aside everything that you’ve ever learned such as: American history, economics, common sense, ethics and basic morality, and the evidence brought to you by your unaltered sense. Just drop out and tune into the rainbow pipe dreams of First Black President.

Heavy and repeated use of strong drugs helps too. 😆

He’s Entitled

Posted in Politics, Society on August 8th, 2012

As all moral, educated, and sane Americans know, Social Justice is just a code phrase for stealing from Whites in order to give to non-Whites, most often Blacks. No matter what innocuous words it’s couched in, in practice, theft is all that it is – race-based theft, ergo a hate crime.

Gimme Yo Shit, Whitey
Gimme Yo Shit! I’m Entitled To It!

It’s also important to understand what the hate-crime of “Social Justice” is predicated upon. That is, simply put, collective punishment for “crimes” committed generations ago upon those of some distant ancestral past of those demanding the punishment.

Judging Obama

Posted in 2012 Election on August 8th, 2012

Judging Obama is one of the things that Obama and his cultists hate with a black, bleeding passion. The boy and his followers don’t want American judging Obama on: his actions, the people he surrounds himself with, or his words. They hate that he’s being judged on those things that, together, make up the content of his character.

Judging Obama
Obama – Don’t Judge Me, Racists!

You see, Obama and those who support him want Obama only to be judged by the color of his skin and then only if such judgement is made through the Liberal lens of racial politics and race baiting where the bar is lowered far enough that a substandard failure can achieve equality of result with a worthwhile person.

Sadly for them, November 6, 2012 is Judgement Day and Obama will be judged as the American people choose to judge him without allowances being made for his race and a reckoning will be taken on he and his.


Posted in 2012 Election, Humor, Politics on August 8th, 2012

The Lamestream Media lives and dies by catchy headlines and it’s often funny how to separate media outlets covering the same story – simply reprinting a wire service story most of the time – will have wildly different headlines for those stories.

Putting The Pieces Together

That’s why I counsel people to get their news from as many sources as possible. That way people can put the pieces together and get a broader picture, often with interesting results. 😉

Don’t Do Your Job!

Posted in Politics on August 6th, 2012

A recent report that uncovered pernicious and gross malfeasance on the part of senior members of Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has been revealed and Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) wants some answers. Specifically he wants answers to why a ICE agent was threatened with suspension for arresting an illegal alien.

The unidentified agent could face a three-day suspension after he arrested a 35-year-old illegal immigrant from Mexico who had as many as 10 traffic violations.

The agent was ordered by supervisors to release the individual because he was not a “priority target.” When the officer balked, he was threatened with a three-day suspension and the illegal alien was let go.

Of course, given who’s ultimately in charge of the ICE, it’s not too surprising that senior members of that unit would either desire or feel compelled to to effectively say, “Don’t do your job!” to the officers in the field who are trying to be effective with little or no support.

Undocumented Democrats
Warning – Undocumented Democrats

The ICE is a normal, top-down authoritarian law enforcement body and, as such, when it stinks it stinks from the head down, And, in this case, it reeks like a crate of badly salted bacalao on a hot summer day.

This is what happens when Democrats are foolishly allowed to be involved in such matters. They count on the votes and donations from the poor, the unwashed, the criminal, and the non-White. They’re never going to make border security a priority and will always look for an excuse to allow illegals to stay in our country.

Sadly, Sen. Sessions’ inquiry will go nowhere until such time as Americans retake the Senate. Only then can we have some hope that reprisals will be taken against all those who were part of this evil.

H/T to Truth, Lies and In Between via CMblake6